Who do you Hate?

Jaina’s the only decent thing in BFA tho. That scene with her mom gives me the feels.

The only dumb part was when they heavily implied that she made a mistake by not letting daddy run his racist concentration camps.


It was tied between Nathanos and Sylvanas but I honestly hate Nathanos much more due to hims being based off one of the writers so therefor responsible for every unfortunate event that happened to this character.


Decent? naw. To each his own because I am a Sylvanas loyalist and love Nathanos.


Nath- oh hey I see I’m among good company.

Also Gallywix never deserved to be a leader of anything and the fact Thrall promoted a Slaver to leading the goblins fills me with unbridled fury.

I also hate Thrall a good bit too.


Oh, you just have bad taste then.


Hate is such a really strong word.


The taste JUMPED out of this post, your wisdoms !!! While I am not Horde anymore I whole heartedly endorse this sentiment


Human NPCs and characters I don’t like. This is a fantasy game, If I wanted to play a human I would just turn the computer off and go outside.


Lol everyone has their favorites. Even though I started as Alliance, I have always love Sylvanas and Nathanos.

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Your Redemption spell says otherwise young Paladin :slight_smile:

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But how can you have always loved Sylvanas? There’s like 8 entirely different characters.

  • Do you like clever tactician Sylvanas who defended Quel’Thelas to her death?
  • Do you like wailing banshee-slave Sylvanas who serves the LK?
  • Do you like angry rogue Sylvanas that got freed from the LK?
  • [Skipping a few expacs’ of Sylvanasses, for brevity]
  • Do you like Sylvanas who chums with Varian while they fight the Legion?
  • Do you like genocide Sylvanas who decides to burn down Teldrassil for no reason?
  • Do you like scared selfish Sylvanas who cares about nothing but saving her own life?
  • Do you like mysterious planner Sylvanas who wants to go to the Shadowlands?

Then again, it sounds like you like secret lover Sylvanas who bangs the writer’s self-insert character who was resurrected without a personality.


Sylvanas,never really liked the selfish wench along with those still following her blindly despite showing her true colors [but hey,enjoy being her cannon fodder for her benefit] Also used to love nightelves and even played one but over the years that love’s become a tad less given how vindictive,gross and toxic some of their players [keyword SOME I know all the races have their a holes so this is more annoyance than hate. I really wanna like nelfs again but I can’t now] have become over the years [that and Tyrande has always been a terrible leader and was absolutely vile and horrid to the nightborne. Shandris I do like,she seems more level headed]

Other than them and Nathanos,everyone else is perfectly okay given they’re still pretty sane and seem to legit want to avoid needless conflict especially given we now have a common enemy on top of a new enemy.


That’s… that’s not what redemption means tho

This is the worst offender.
*Sylvanas in the published online short story: “We will not destroy Teldrassil.”
*Sylvanas in the cut scene published 2 weeks later: “BURN IT”

It’s like the Blizzard staff don’t even talk to each other.


Well to touché this one could say liking a flat one dimensional character would be more questionable then a multi dimensional one that has different faces for different situations.

I can’t speak for who you replied to but I love Sylvanas because she’s VERY reminiscent of Cersei I like both book and show Cersei, but she has a anyone who’s with me is an extension of me anyone who’s not is my enemy type persona I like. shrugs :male_detective:

There’s a difference between “multi-dimensional” and “schizophrenic with a side of mcguffin”

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I think it’s less schizophrenic and more “who’s writing me today?”


But that’s why that other person said to each their own because that’s your take on it


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I don’t hate anyone

However, mean people suck