Who do we have to beg for an update

While I don’t feel they owe us an update…it’s strange to me how they said at the very beginning (and several times since) that they look forward to a dialogue with players alongside the development. And then there’s been absolutely zero back and forth. I guess that’s just business talk. Reading the forums I understand completely why they wouldn’t want to come within a mile of this cesspit.

But maybe a Classic stream. A Classic QnA like Ion does. As others have said 4-6 months from release the key decisions have almost certainly been made. So…share them.


Ready in time for Xmas 2022!

We’re about half way there. We just need 500,000 more liked posts, 100 more threads begging for the same thing, and about 1 million more thoughts & payers.

But seriously, it has been quite a long dry spell of released info

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I have bought all your expansions and dumped a ton of money into hearthstone since the beginning. The only 2 periods of time I fully committed to paying monthly was classic and burning crusade. But I’ve been here waiting for this. When the creators of Nost closed to aim at this goal it was a great sacrifice. I know a CM will read this if we keep it going all I’m asking is if you will go to your boss and ask him if he can give us a on track or not and if it will be early summer or later summer so we can plan our summers accordingly and give you my money monthly again.


We are still working away on Classic and look forward to getting it out to you later this year. Does that count? Or were you looking for something in particular? Let me know if it’s something in particular so I can look into it.

If you just want me to let you know that we are working on getting Onyxia to be like the original Onyxia, yes, that is the plan. Now who’s ready for an attunement run?


Does she deep breath more?


Handle it!



But seriously. I wanna know when to plan some time off!

Summer 2019

I can’t request 4 months off though!

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June 21 - Sep 21 is only 3 months though.

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Will water dismount us? Will I be able to keep my Foreman’s Blackjack and hit my friends with it at 60? Please don’t let them fix the Foreman’s Blackjack. In fact, do everything you can to stop them from fixing it. Hit them with a blackjack if you have to. If it’s already fixed, hit them until they unfix it.


We need to know if it will be early summer or late summer I think that confirmation would make 100000 people feel good.



  1. gonna be a beta? if so, any idea when? like ballpark idea?

  2. if working on onyxia, does that mean the prior content is done and they’re polishing up the endgame raids, like world bosses, mc, bwl, aq 20/40 and naxx?

  3. are we there yet?



Hi! At risk of sounding like a total nerd, and at risk of asking a dumb question, are you able to disclose if there will be/how many RP servers in Classic? I’m really, really excited to go back 15 years in my characters’ lives and see what it was like for them so long ago.

Thank you very much!


I think many of us really want to hear the things that you’d think we don’t care about. Such as “oh man today we had a funny issue trying to get an escort quest working because of X reason due to a change in X expansion” even if you don’t know the exact reason or why it was happening, its just fun to read about the process of creating Classic, and all the funny side effects of the newer infrastructure! (P.S. I wanna know how difficult it is getting Eyes of the Beast working <3)


@ Bornakk is there a possibility of a beta or demo to come out soon something we can get our hands on while we wait

Just chill, we had an update like under 2 month’s ago.

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1 question yes or no super simple

Will there be a Beta?

No other info needed. Much love if you answer this and much love to the team working on classic wow tell em I love em <3


I appreciate the interaction but no, this doesn’t count.

Will there be progressive itemization?
Will BGs be available at launch?
Have we determined if we are sticking with the 4 phases mentioned at Blizzcon?
Will Dire Maul be available at launch?
Which version of AV will we be using?
Have we determined realm populations?

I guess i’ll stop there. Thanks again for the interaction, but it would be nice to get updates on these types of decisions.