Not Satisfied

I can hear the crickets chirping in the pause after this. Just hoping for a blue to drop in and be like “July 23!” or something.

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Hire those crickets and paint them blue

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It’s almost certainly going to be July 16.

How great would it be if that’s actually how they announced it. Not in a press release or add campaign, just dropped as a single sentence in the middle of a random thread with no additional follow up. Now that I think about it, people would be PISSED if that happened. I’d love it, but god it would just be immediate shouting for beta info and realm lists and why don’t we know more?!??

They could do what EA did recently with Apex Legends and just announce that they’re releasing it in like 2 hours one day.

Would probably somewhat reduce the initial surge of players, too out of sheer surprise.

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Eleven years have passed since the Vanilla races banded together and leapt united into the unknown called The Burning Crusade.
Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the player-base and the developers has all but evaporated.
The drums of war thunder once again.

We’ve waited eleven years and now we should cry that it’s taking 16 months?

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I too would have loved to hear more about what they are working on, their overall progress, and philosophies or topics on topics that being talked about in the community but as I understand it. This type of blue post are heavily crafted and critiqued internally before we see them. I wish it was easier for devs to share things with us. I strongly doubt this is all they have done in the last 5 months, that statement is ridiculous.

What announcement do you honestly need? Whatever question you have refer back to 1.12 and that’s probably your answer

Atleast they told us and reconfirmed a 2019 summer release. Remember when people thought we were looking at like 2021 for release?


The hype train is the least of my concern in regard to Classic.

While I understand the desire to learn more, the fact that it’s a re-release and we have a release-date window is enough for me.

Actually, you just said what will speed it up.

I’m gonna stop thinking about it for a few months as much as I can.

Still can’t wait. :x

Good things come to those who wait.

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nice gear set @op

Hopefully Blizzard will delay Classic for a couple more years to give the community time to decide exactly what they want. After all, the biggest mistake they made with BfA was releasing it before the flying debate was settled.

No sharding, No loot trading!

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We didn’t get a official release date on the Kul’tiran and Zandalar until the other day, and it is on tuesday.

You will get an exact launch date when they are comfortable with what they have to go live.

The people has something to play while they waited at least.

Duly noted.

Sorry my comments were meant to be more of questions. Meaning I was hoping that we would have more answers at this period in time. I am super hyped for classic, but the lack luster energy coming out of Blizzard/Activision discourages me. And for the record I never said do it quick and get it done right in the same sentence I said please allocate the appropriate amount of resources to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.

And you are right Activision/Blizzard does not owe any of us anything and can do whatever they want. That is a great way to run a business =)

Please don’t get your panties is such a knot when someone says they are not pleased with the information we are being supplied about WOW Classic. Especially when they state in the same post how excited they are about it…

Someone somewhere in the corporate labyrinth has determined what an appropriate amount of resources is, and their guess may be as good as yours or mine; keeping in mind that that person could be either a moron or a genius, but is likely somewhere in between and that the same applies to both you and me. As I have always been told for all of my life, it is what it is.

Uhm. They aren’t going to document and and release every little change that was done. Only the major things. Also, they probably won’t release changes that will piss off the player base.