Who are your favorite forum posters?

Yep, all the way at the bottom! Here’s yours :slight_smile: (and I will delete this if you request)


that’s odd i should have more liked characters and different ones. is this just like the last 48 hours or something?

Have you ever moved that character to a new realm? Forums reset info if you move servers like that, usually, because each charactername-servername is it’s own unique user. Otherwise… no idea there.

no this has been her realm since 2014. there’s quite a few posters i’ve liked a lot that should be on there that aren’t.

Not a direct reply to you but damn how people give so little of likes is insane, lol.

Odd indeed. I honestly have no clue then, but I don’t know if you saw my edit. The image is your profile and all, if you like I can delete it, just let me know.

We found some sort of bug with your profile, I guess. It shows that you’ve given out 733 likes, but doesn’t reflect that in your most liked.

As interesting as Honeybowl is, I can never tell what is her intent lel. So I usually don’t like her post.

no i don’t care its not a big deal. well that sounds about right then.

Ok, just wanted to make sure. Thanks :slight_smile:

its probably to do with a cache error in my profile.

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It may just be the forums being wonky in general. Like how some names are listed twice on basically everyone’s summaries, I don’t think that’s a normal thing either but I honestly don’t scope profiles enough to know for sure.

that guy?

what happened to his other posting character? the one with red hair?

To be fair, it shows they’ve given way more total, just isn’t displaying right for some reason on the individual count, I think. Sorry I had missed this when you replied so I came back for ya. I myself, though, am absolutely terrible at giving out likes lol. I’m trying to get better though!

Celebrate? That one isn’t the real Celebrate, we’ve no idea who it is.


The real Celebrate is from the Whitemane server.

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I tend to forget about likes most of the time tbh. I just reply. I feel bad now. I have someone on both my “most likes given to” and “most likes received by” chart but the “given” is 3 and the “received” is 75 lol…

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No thats imposter not real

Heh! Glad to hear it. I’m happy she’s doing well.

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Rosenivy, Briselody, Mortis, Caelin, Grumbles and Kaurmine . :slight_smile: (the latter 2 aren’t in my most liked, i’m just throwing these two out here because they also have great takes, as well as cookies.)

As well Rhielle/Thallia (which those two are my first/second most liked. Mainly because she has great takes as well.

That and we tend to use the same emoji… Only she doesn’t overuses it like i do. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There’s probably more, but i can’t remember at the moment.