Whitemane era cluster locked!

It’s only a game.

Hi Everyone,

Just popping in to confirm that Whitemane-Era being locked is not intended and we are looking into this. Hopefully we should have it unlocked soon.

Thanks you for the reports!


Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

thanks for the reply

Can we have ANY information on the future of Classic/SoM?


Give us info on new Fresh servers

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in 3 years and 10 months, Aggrend has made 156 posts on the WoW forums. Good luck.


They do exist! :smiley:


Hah. So they are indeed watching things… why on azeroth would they never respond to anything, though? Boggles the mind.

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Hi Everyone,

Just popping in to confirm that Season of Mastery 2 is on the way. Hopefully we should have more information about it soon.

Thanks you for the support!

sweet! thanks for the confirmation! :expressionless:

Thank you, Aggrend!!!


Link to confirm ?

Thank you for replying!!

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I wish this was an actual post. Thanks for the tease though. Maybe one day.

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It was locked up pretty much instantaneously, why can it not be reversed as quickly now that the issue is known?

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Solving these issues is usually a lot more complicated than you think. You make a change somewhere in the code and it somehow interacts with something else that you didn’t foresee. I’m sure if it was a quick fix then it would already be fixed by now.

Hooray !!!

“The world is scheduled to be available soon.” - som servers


This has been that way for a while. It’s just a default.