Why are all the classic servers locked?

Been getting the itch for classic again, saw that there was still a community on some classic era servers, got a sub and tried to join one. I guess all my old characters are deleted now even though it still said I had characters on them. When I tried to join one of the many servers in the whitemane cluster, a few of which I used to have characters on it said I needed a character to make a new one. I’ve canceled my sub.


you can make a char on the 2 dead pvp east clusters or you can go back to retail and like it


I believe your characters would have automatically migrated to TBC and then WotLK. From memory when WotLK dropped you got prompted to confirm if you want your characters to stay on classic vanilla or migrate to classic WotLK.

Boot up the classic WotLK version and see if your characters are there.

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That actually makes sense, thats probably whats going on. I stopped playing around tbc. It was just strange that it showed the number of characters on the server list but once clicked on the server they were gone.

You had to manually move your character to era otherwise it continued to wotlk with the server.

Blizzard offered a $30 usd clone service if you wanted to save character to era and move on to wotlk

Not exactly.

Excerpt from this article:

You could choose where you wanted to clone based on if you activated your character in Era or TBCC. You cloned to the other if you wanted to play the character in both. If you made no choice, your character was moved on in progression to TBCC (and now Wrath).

Sorry about the issue with some of the servers being locked in error in Era, Baklar.
Blizzard did address this in a different topic.