Whisperwind Alliance Reconnections

Eilis, Nightelf Hunter I was originally part of a smaller guild called Glacialis Nex then went on to join Lethal Synergy, and then Oasis.

With age has come memory loss lol. I mostly remember Madd, Starski, Hero and Banach. Pretty sure I raided with Yuk at one point.

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Hey man!! Send me an Invite. Toysoldier#1261 Been talking with Cirrith and Croft. would love to get some of the group back together.

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Name was Warbeast, level 60 human warrior. Last guild i was in before i shifted realms to Zangermarsh was Paradise Found. Was also in Morality and Sacred Ascendants. Someone i remember was a gnome or dwarf warrior named Molez.

I played Kanan, NE Warrior from December 2004 through AQ40 progression.

I was in Anti Horde Alliance, Divine Light, Aberration, and Redemption.

At some point, I think in 2006, I transferred to Elune.

Hi all!

I played a NE Druid - Magis, in the guild Band of the Red Eye / Prodigy!

Also played a NE Shadow Priest - Reachie

Looking to find some old peeps to play with!

Deja! I remember you! We both played druids in Prodigy! :slight_smile:

Just sent you an invite on B-net!


Hey Sephroth – check out the Dalvengyr alliance connections for some Aggro people. Sesli, the GM from Aggro posted there (and I played hunter back in aggro too)

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Atherzoth - NE Warrior
I was a tank for most of my play time during Vanilla and BC.
Vanilla guild: Anti-Horde Alliance
BC guild: The Departed

Would be great to hear from some old friends and guildies!

Hey Mansur, seen a few of Prodigy around. I was bigdave a gnome rog, joined with Law, Order, Katalin when our guild died on Korgath.

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Hey Toeclamp! It’s Spawnkiller/Serge

Spawnkiller(Serge)/Ellana from Band of the Red Eye/Prodigy


Magis here - I remember all of you guys joining; holy crap been so long!

You all planning to play classic together?

Add me on b-net rccola#1124

SPAWN! Hello as well!!! Toeclamp as well!! -Reach

Add me on b-net rccola#1124

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In case you forgot names :slight_smile:

Lethal Synergy

Absolute 60


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waves I still play. I have a name on a server. I would be up for a small guild again if others are interested. I will talk to mrs g, and a few others.

Ugh stupid forum, I have the right toon logged, but its pulling up this random DK I have. Anyways its Galtar.

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Galtar here. Been on Whisperwind since day one. Save for my brief excursion to Dalvengyr. Started with some friends in ISCA Alliance, then decided to start raiding so I joined Lyric, then when they disbanded, went back home for a bit, bounced around to Lethal Synergy, then Royal Marines. Was in Abyss for a while, then moved to Exalted. Moved back to ISCA for a while, then spent a while in Action Nine before moving to my current guild Reprisal. I don’t play near as much, and I definitly don’t raid. But you’ll see me around.


Blackoni (NE Warrior)

  • Forgotten Ones -> Letum Immortalis
  • Transfered to Dalv - Aggro -> Forgotten Legacy -> stalk and kill

Xilar (Gnome Rogue)

  • Letum Immortalis -> Royal Marines -> Letum Immortalis
  • Transferred to Dalv - Forgotten Legacy -> stalk and kill

Looking to catch up with anyone from Letum Immortalis or Forgotten Ones.


I remember you Kanan! You helped me get my first Quel’Serrar made bro, I played a human warrior named Daeros back in the day, currently playing in on Illidan horde side.

Shout out to all the guilds back then - Eternal Legacy dudes (Exile) <3, A9N, WW11, Abyss, Oasis (Exalted), Aberration, and HERO to name a few!

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Hey Yuk, long time no see.

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<—is Mechtech.

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