Whispers from GM?

I got one too and went to the link as it was a legit GM whisper but nothing happened. The IT dept must need to fix it.

It was no such thing. Don’t give folks bad info.

It was a “spray and pray” phishing scam.

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No way, I thought I needed to give my bank and social security details and I would win the lottery.


Well the link did nothing so i submit ticket for IT.

If I were you I’d run a virus scan immediately, to make SURE it did nothing.

The only ticket you should be sending is a scam report.


I always question to myself “Who even clicks links without any second thought or investigation into the situation”

Well, I got my answer finally.


Only if you pay the taxes on my 1 bajillion inheritance as well.

It’s only 10% of this bajillion. I give you back all of the bajillion.

it’s not as if it’s a singular account which is doing this…


Hello I am blizzard president and ceo John Blizzard I am whisper you to award special weapon for being amazing player please reply with password to verify is you

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I got this, its a dumbass scammer. Blizzard was spelt wrong for me too. Also… you would never receive a whisper anymore you would just be banned. If people fall for this, i… question everything about them lol.

I haven’t had a whisper like that in years. Sad they still tryin’

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Hard to imagine the kind of person that would try to scam people like this.

Nah, it’s reporting, not snitching :-p

If you have done anything wrong, Blizzard will email you. Now, that’s not to say GMs won’t whisper you in-game. During Cata, I was mining ore and following a pretty strict path. I guess I had gotten into a groove and someone reported me as a bot. A GM whispered me with something like “Hey, Earl, how’s everything going?” I answered back fine and asked how they were.

We spoke for a few minutes and the GM informed me that I had been reported as a bot so they were just checking to make sure I was a real person. It has not happened since, but there were no links to click or threats to be frightened by. Those are tactics which are very common with scammers all over the internet so never EVER click anything in-game.

Blizzard emails might contain links, but they will be legitimate Blizzard/Bnet sites.


im so old i remember getting actual whispers from real gm’s


I miss their roleplaying it was fun.

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right? it was so fun

Any whisper from someone at Blizzard on live servers will have a special Blizzard logo next to their name.

Also I’d remove the broken up hyperlink in case some idiot on the forum is dumb enough to open it.

Yeah, I got it this morning. Different server, but still using the name. Same message.

Reported it and moved on.

Sweet deal, just give me your Russian bank details and I will send over the money.

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