Whispering harassment should get you a week suspension

I would argue it should result in an unappealable, unreversible 1 year suspension/ban on the first offense with a lifetime ban on the second.

I never check my whispers anymore. Why?

It is usually a player saying “Hey give me that drop!”


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Sorry, forgive me being one of those dumb “dreamers”, isn’t this our goal? If it isn’t, shouldn’t it be? To grow up in a supportive environment that allows healthy competition unmarred by anger that encourages someone to live up to their full potential?

I mean, seriously, are you ok with kids being bullied? That stuff lasts for life in so some people.

Yeah, I know, any chance to be mean and hurtful to another human being, just makes you drool, doesn’t it.


An observation about cause and effect is not a statement of my goals. Different things encourage different people to live up to their full potential. A soft upbringing doesn’t necessarily produce that.

Highly depends on context.

That was rude. Are you bullying me? :rofl:

I think that person is kinda detached from reality.


I always love the harassment sorts when they try to blame the victim for being harassed or excuse their behavior trying to justify it lol.

I would report it and put the person on ignore


And my guess is that 99.999% of the most aggressive volatile insulting people in game wouldn’t dare say something to somebody’s face in the first place. Outside of this game environment it’s very unlikely it would ever actually be an issue.
We’re all keyboard commandos sitting behind the monitor however LOL

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I swear, only the WoW community…


Right, that’s why this criticism of being “soft” goes nowhere. We aren’t able to handle the situation, since some jerk is sitting behind their keyboard. The only recompense is through the rules and punishment system.


I’ll whisper you.

You know what’s worse than that? When you’ve been farming AV for 15 keys and have never seen T’zanna sword drop, the one healing sword with haste and versatility in the game, and you finally see it drop. Level 16! I ask if he needs the 1h, another asks if he needs the 1h. I roll a 75. The other guy says “TY” and they both leave. No roll. No acknowledgment of my existence. I just healed a 16 for these lazy selfish jerks. As a Holy Pally no less. And the guy he gave it to was a RET. Off-spec. The penalty for that should be terminal guilt. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about me. Nobody gives a crpa about my feelings.

Here’s a spotlight post on what Blizzard does and does not considers harassment. A lot of opinions in this thread but Blizzard’s interpretation is the only one that matters:


Same, but for different reasons.

Yeah those are the three toxic folk tend to go with but you’re right there is far worse as some folk use a certain infamous three letter abbreviation that I won’t type here as it technically means they wish for you to harm yourself in a bad way and it’s not something people should ever tell someone let alone over a video game. I’ve sadly gotten it a few times because the healer left as the tank was terrible…from the tank of all people so…yeah the harassment and hate speech in whisper should indeed get people a ‘vacation’ from the game with it being longer based on stuff they say

it’s not harassment if you like it.

Cool xmog, even matches the text.

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I had 5 people both do that, and when I just reported instead of answering they hopped on another alt to keep at it. If you report a line of text it should ask you if you want to add a player on ignore as well, though sometimes I remember to ignore and then report when I’m in a time sensitive thing like shuffle I often forget to ignore then do it so they can’t just hop on an alt to keep going. Personally, the report ignore for a session should be account wide too. Not that it matters since I honestly stopped playing with how bad the patch made PvP.

“Ugly transmog”

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Your name suits you well.

If you feel up for the challenge, go ahead and whisper it to somebody.

Me and another Elf are still waiting. Lest you want to keep that toon temporarily banned.

In fact, do it here. Right here on the forums. Won’t hurt, right? It ain’t harassment.

Ion personally reviews it and decides whether or not you were, in fact, the worst healer/tank/dps. If master Ion agrees with the ‘harasser’ in this regard, nothing happens