While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

people use raider io now. Most heroics don’t require AOTC linked. 210 atm would be fine for anything upto a +10 depending on the group. Gear is insanely easy to get tho now, Korthia gear catchups, world quest rewards, timewalking weekly event caches, the weekly cache, world bosses. Gear literally falls from things.
Normal raids are easy to pug into. Heroic, not difficult but like any pug group, if you pull low dps or stand in bad youl get kicked regardless of item level or achievements. Theres also literally hundreds of low tier leveling/learning guilds who run a couple times a week and most progression guilds also have normal/social runs that are easy to get into for both raiding and keys.

The only thing buying gear and achieves actually does is satisfy that want for instant gratification. But same with legendaries, give it a couple weeks and some work, and you’l catch up without the gold cost.

So you dont think that being able to skip progression by buying gear or achievements required to play at the content level you want is p2w. Alright well, we agree to disagree then. I just think being able to instantly buy a boost is p2w, we just have different definitions.

You would be surprised what a glad title, or high rbg titles get you in group wise. But anyway i liked your argument. I think the better argument would of been arguing that the gold shop was necessary to keep wow alive with good content considering it has lost the majority of its subs since WOTLK and has been increasing its revenue year over year even with lower player bases. If it didnt gain revenue from in game cash shops it may of been put on maintance mode a while back

What change are we wanting to revert exactly? I don’t understand.

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I think the real question here then is, does Susan still have the sex leg?


They really do. Conveniently ignoring that boosts have always been a thing, since it doesn’t fit the narrative.

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I see P2W is the new youtuber content creator shill phrase. :rofl:

Gosh all of these people are just parroting the exact same things over and over again and ignoreing anyone pointing out their arguements are flawed.

Gear =! Win.

Anyone that screens their raids or dungeon groups will be able to tell you boosted, and probably will laugh at you. Sure you’ll trick a few people that don’t check, but when you start underperforming, you’ll be the first to be replaced.

People have been carried to end raid boss kills for years, nothing is new here.

People whom call wow Pay to win have never played an actual Pay to win game.

Games that have items and levels of power that you cannot realistically get to without dropping hundreds of dollars, usually gacha games, or those old mmos with a cash shop that constantly give you bonus to crafting or upgrading extremely rare gear without it having a 95% chance of being deleted and forcing you to start over, or putting costume items that give attribute or power bonuses to anyone whom wears them, causing a literal have and have nots situation.

It’s obvious you guys are just parroting some content creators recent video, because you guys have no idea what a real pay to win MMO is, and it shows.


Yea that’s a negative.

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This is not pay to win. Blizzard does not offer you a “win”… its the players who do. But I agree that its bad.

So if I pay for a WoW token what am I winning exactly?

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Currently? Just about 200k gold. That’s it. And that’s only if there’s a player willing to buy your token with their gold.


WoW isnt pay to win, just the WoW token. That said their arent enough pay to win mechanics in WoW to make it pay to win, right now its sitting at a pay for convience level as everything you can get from the gold the wow token got you you can also get without it.

Naive post, gold buying went up by a massive amount over 3rd party sites when it was provided and endorsed in game

You are grossly out of touch and don’t realize it

Sides the issue isn’t so much the token in itself as much as the systems design changes that have proliferated throughout wow to promote cash shop gold buying and shortcuts

Thus why every wow dev interview says wow isn’t the same game it used to be

Wow doesn’t improve revenue with subs anymore, it improves it with cash shop income

What immediate advantage do you have if you can’t do the content absent the people carrying you? I would look at your parses and not invite you. That’s the problem with paying for carries. You’ll have to pay forever. You’ve paid so someone else can win lol.

I’m sure you can actually prove this? Please go ahead and link your proof. While we wait, you may want a refresher on WoW tokens… they’re not created, it requires one player using their own gold to create the token, which another player buys. Blizz isn’t just creating gold for tokens.

You would look at my prases, but last xpac i got invited to plenty of heroic raid clears and guild runs that have all been successful with only one carry. So i payed for a immiedate advantage and gear advantage. You cannot escape it, the game is p2w, you can spin it any way. But by my definition which is most peoples definition of p2w the game is p2w.

Paying money for a immediate advantage, you can try to spin it so it seems like it is not a huge advantage or it only saves me 1-2 months of grinding. But it is still a way in the game to pay money to get a boost to my character.

I might believe that if you had more than one kill on the bosses in Eternal Palace. That was the carry obviously as all the parses were below 10. Presumably they asked you to tag the boss and then die in the corner. Now you’re telling me that a raiding guild picked you up based on those numbers? Why didn’t they log any of the kills?


He’s lying on the internets, it’s rather entertaining. I also enjoy him “speaking for most people”… the sheer idiocy is astounding.

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you are still spinning the fact that you cannot buy a instant boost. My memory might be bad and i did normal instead of heroic eternal i dont remember as it was 4 odd years ago now. But the fact still remains.

You can buy a boost an immediate boost.

Go google the definition of p2w. What is your definition that makes more sense and not “Sheer idiocy”. Literally arguing semantics

Can you provide a link to where I can buy this supposed boost from Blizzard? I can’t seem to find it in the store. Go on, I’ll wait…