While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

This would fix the pay to win aspect of wow and if someone wants to get carried, have a group of friends or guild or farm gold via gathering or something, killing off the pay to win aspect of this game. This would also preserve the part of the “free players” who don’t pay a sub but instead buy a wow token to keep game time running.

I know its a hot take but devs are getting on the right track again with cross faction, and slowly listening to us like set items returning.

And for those neigh-sayers who say wow isn’t p2w, that means the exchange of real $$ to skip parts of the game that gives you rewards for no effort whatsoever. Example: Rated PVP rewards, AOTC mount, mythic sylvannas mount, M+15 mount, mythic gear, etc. These are things that should be deserved, not bought out for no effort. WoW tokens $20 = sell in-game for gold = generated gold out of thin air into wow’s economy that then lead to p2w.


This would only shift the purchase of gold to third party sites.


How hard would it be for Blizzard to hotfix the amount of gold rewarded by level cap quests?

Is token and “p2w” the theme of the day? This has to be the 4th thread I have read in regards.


So you just described pay to skip and not pay to win. You failed your own argument.


I’m going to assume some content creator started all of this.


So you didn’t get rid of any of the carries, carries are what get you to “win”.

Changing the token doesn’t change what you consider “pay to win”

Congratulations, you did absolutely nothing. Carries will still happen regardless


You want to remove the option to buy Blizzard Balance as well? Or do you want Blizzard to go out of business?

The people defending the Token letting you buy carries don’t make great arguments either tbh.

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I don’t really care if the token is here or not, but do people really think boosting will go away once it’s gone or something?


Nope. P2W is when you press a button and the game itself gives you something more powerful than anything you can get in the game than you could normally earn…

It is NOT when you give another player currency to run you through something to get a CHANCE at something.

P2W is ALWAYS a 100% chance at a boost in power. Letting someone else run you through something doesn’t always guarantee that (and if you find a good community/guild, you won’t need to pay for it either).


The parrots are squawking.


Which at this point is hard as hell to detect in retail.

TBCC has this issue. and that is much smaller amounts.

Player x gave player y 1K gold for no reason? Or the system of boe’s for insane prices. Why did plaer y jsut buy a 1 gold item for 1000 gold.

Kind of sus that…But not really. TBCC has the economy to mask up to certain amounts of gold.

Enter retail. I spent 60K gold for a mog. Legit buy. Not even masking 3rd party dealing. Hell at 60K for the time was steal of a deal. The mog went for for legit 120k+ in the past. watched that price a good while. saw the 60k and said its mine.

Some would say no token gold economy deflates? hahahaha…too many bitter vets are still living off WoD gold. They haven’t even touched their legion gold yet.

Boosting was here before the token, it would be here afterward.

The token is not the reason for boosting. That’s just people being lazy and handing the game over to someone else to play for them.


i bought every expansion that came after with tokens and intend to continue to do so. let’s leave it alone.

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In Vanilla I had a guildmate that paid a third party site to log on to his account while he was at work to level his character. I never understood the fun in that, to each their own.

You would be right about that.

Sure, make tokens only useable for sub account, and then watch the gold sellers rub their hands together with glee.


At a chance? There’s no “chance” for AOTC, mythic mounts, M+15 mount, and rated PVP mount. It’s 100% guaranteed. Gear yes but it can be traded so your guaranteed gear anyhow via trade.

Only if it drops

People have ran the same dungeon 20-30 times and never seen their item drop. Not that they didn’t get it. They didn’t see anyone get it.

How is that paying to win? How do you take the “chance” out of that


No you aren’t. Unless they stack the raid with everyone of your armor type, you’re guaranteed nothing.

And what you get is obsolete in a patch. If people want to waste their money, let them. It doesn’t affect you.

What does affect everyone is gold farmers back on the scene, hacking accounts and making chats and mail obnoxious consistently.


But I can blow gold I made off the AH in the course of an hour for some of those things. Other stuff, eh may take a bit. I don’t (usually) participate in getting carries but just saying if I wanted to, I have the gold to do that and the know how to get gold quick off the AH or via Trade chat selling of transmog, pets, misc stuff.

Also someone isn’t swipping their CC and getting those things instantly. They have to give gold to someone, via earning it via ingame means or earning it via wow tokens. Also, we going to ignore the fact that someone else earned up 200k (last I checked they were 200k) in order to BUY that token off the AH in the first place?

Every time someone buys a wow token with gold they are fueling someone else’s gold into their bags because of how the wow token works. Someone out there had to get the gold in order to buy that person’s token.

Pay to win is you swipe momma’s credit card and you get all the goodies unlocked, you get the best weapon in the game, and you get every level skip soon as that card is swiped. There is no sit back and hope to get stuff. It’s in your bag, you get the item, and badabing you’re top dog in everything you do.

Boosting in wow, per blizzard’s words, is unsupported and if someone gets scammed sure they can report the scam but ultimately blizz won’t refund their gold. Why? Blizz doesn’t support the ingame behavior.

Would also rise to people just bypassing the gold all together and going straight to RMT, the thing the wow token was made to counter in the first place.

^ that… btw how are they effecting mail? I haven’t seen the mail ones yet. I see trade chat general /yell looking for group, calendar invites, and occasionally the “We r bluzzard” whisper.