While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

You can buy a wow token, and convert the wow token into gold then use the gold to buy gear, carries , legendaries or anything that would give your character an immediate boost in power by only using money. Just because you cannot buy a mplus carry from the store or a legendary gear peice from the store it doesnt mean the extra step of selling the wow token doesnt make it p2w.

I will hold my ground, and continue to defend from microtransactions in a MMORPG with a subscription model

Are we talking about gold buying prior to tokens? The game was filled with gold farmers, constant advertising spam in all chats, yells, mail and dead bodies on the ground. Not to mention the amount of account hacking that went on by these people to sell everything, steal your gold and leave you there, sometimes with your account suspended, because they advertised their gold selling first.

Prior to the token, gold selling was more obnoxious than current carry spam and more dangerous for everyone, not just those who used shady websites. People who never even thought about buying gold would find their accounts hacked one day. Happened to quite a few in my RP guilds back then.

Those that weren’t around back then don’t have the experience of what we dealt with. I will deal with carry spam over account hacking and gold farmers running rampant.

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You can’t buy a legendary. You can buy the crafted piece, which is meant to be purchased, and then you still have to do all of the requirements for said legendary. So strike one.

You cannot buy a carry from Blizz, this alone blows your argument out of the water.

The only thing in WoW that is actually P2W would be the BOEs, which are meaningless unless you’re in a world first guild anyway. If you think those couple of BOEs are making any meaningful difference, it’s no wonder you bought carries before.

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So if i wanted a legendary that costs 100k, i would have to grind that 100k or craft it which would take time, or i could instantly spent 30 dollars to get the 100k legendary then craft the piece and get a instant boost or advantage over if i had to spent a week or 2 grinding it out.

Your argument is that because there are extra steps after using the wow token to p2w that it is not valid. I dont agree with that but we can agree to disagree.

I brought the eternal palace carry because i wanted the staff in world pvp as it had a one shot and i wanted to get geared up so i could do some arena and try out the new raid. Without paying money i would not of been able to gear up in time for arena or get into other groups to gear up.

Not sure why you quoted me, since I’m not arguing against the current system.

Seems to be the topic of the week again. Look we get you hate the token. Most folks either like it or don’t care about it. Why the push again to get rid of it?
Full disclosure: we are on a limited income and use in game gold to buy game time. Also use in game gold for BNet account to purchase expansions and items.
There is no reason to remove the token.

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You asked for proof and I asked a question if we were talking about prior to the token. And then explained how things were. I never said you were against it. This wasn’t an argument, it was simply giving information.

You could put the argument that having a cash shop in which you can buy gold might make blizzard build more systems around expensive items or chores that could be skipped by paying money to immediately skip that system.

An example is the legendary gear system in shadowlands. You can pay to instantly skip that system of crafting the item required to build the legendary by spending 30 bucks.

If you play other MMORPGs most systems are build around the cash shop for this reason and it can be argued that this makes the game worse over time because systems are built around what makes them more money rather than what is fun.

You can absolutely buy a heroic carry. I’ve paid for the last few expansion with the gold earned from those carries. I just don’t see the advantage that you’re getting when you can’t do the content absent the people carrying you. You’ll always have to pay because you never learned to do it yourself. The guy that only learned how to play on the normal difficulty will still be better than you in every measurable way.

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I asked the person whom I quoted for proof of their claim that gold buying went up significantly after tokens were implemented. The point being there was a lot of gold buying going on before tokens.

I’ve played since Vanilla, I remember all too well SusanExpress…

Or you can gather the materials, go in trade “LF crafter to make rank 6 leggo belt tipping” and you spend maybe 5k on the tip and maybe 20k in the materials, which 20k is easily obtainable with the gold the game passively flings at you now.

lol the floating corpses too xD

I just dont think this is true at all. Say you are a hard core wow player, you take a 1 year break and you want to gear up before the new patch\raid tier. You literally dont have t ime to gear up normally. So you pay for a raid clear and mplus carry to give yourself a instant gear boost, then you buy your legendaries so you dont have to spent time getting gold.

“you’ll always have to pay because you never learned to do it yourself”. If you quit for 1 year and came back do you really think you would not be able to do the new raids like at all? Its the same thing, all new raids are basically rehashed old raids that sometimes have one or two new mechanics but its only 1 youtube video and some auras from figuring it out.

But apart from the whole carry thing, being able to just buy a instant boost to your character using money in my definition means its pay to win. It basically means at any one time if you do swipe 2-3 wow tokens you can buy yourself a instant boost whether it be gear, legendaries or a boost for gear. You might not get better as a player but it gives you a boost and with more gear it gives you better opportunity in other content to progress.

That’s why I asked when we were talking about as my very first question. Thank you for answering it.

And that’s fine. No need to get all defensive or anything. I gave information for everyone to see, based off of a conversation that I thought relevant.

Again, there’s no argument here.

But what does that mean to you, being able to pay money to instantly skip that chore and get a high ilevel peice of gear, instead of leveling up crafting or grinding for mats and risking somebody crafting it i instantly just buy it using real money.

To me pay to win means being able to use money to buy an instant boost in any way over a state where i didnt pay money.

Going to assume that it is ‘he that shall not be named’ is ranting about something…

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Going to assume that some of his buddies are wanting a higher return on their investment for selling some of their own gold for cash…

Ironically he who shall not be named was shilling for FFXIV several months ago, praising the game for its casual pace and not requiring a player to log in every day. Now said person is clamoring for Lost Ark, which not only requires daily log ins to progress, but requires setting up alts that also have to be logged in daily to funnel resources. It’s amazing what they’ll do for money. Or worse, the people who actually believe what they’re saying…

Such is life.

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You are wrong to think everybody just follows a streamer or youtubers opinion. Cash shops in all games have been criticized for a long time and its not just because some big head says it. Just because Lost ark or other games are pay to win doesnt mean we cant talk about how wows cash shop effects the game. Lost ark systems is the best example of wow systems are built around cash shops. My guess is wow will eventually go that way.

Means that whoever listed the wow token payed for my months sub on 1 of my 5 accounts cause I make enough gold on 1 toon to fund all 5 accounts with gold every month.

Cause myself grinding out the gold and playing the AH I just helped someone that may not have the time to grind out stuff get what they want. The gold just doesn’t magically come out of someone’s rear end it has to come from somewhere.

If you’re refering to RMT without the wow token then that’s a massive no no and that needs to be reported.

I would rather see people getting the wow token and doing w/e than them risking their CC getting stolen and participating in RMT then doing it anyway with gold earned by gold farmers / botters / hacked accounts. Whole reason wow token was introduced was cause people kept buying gold so it was put in place to try and counter act it.

Someone buying an AOTC carry doesn’t bother me or w/e. It’s a game. People have fun. If they got more money than they know what to do with and want to blow it on wow tokens, ok that’s their choice.

Edit: pay to win is you swipe mama’s credit card and bam the item is in your bag or the service is done and you’re ready to go.

Wanna skip that leveling process to 60? 60 bucks on the store… oh wait wrong thing we are talking about.

You could join a guild and get geared for free. Your old parses will matter when coming back after a long break. No one is going to care about your gear if your parses are all below 10. It’s a flashing neon sign that says…I’ve been carried.