While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

I dont think it would help WoW at all to change the token. It’s not that hard to get loot and make gold, i’ve never felt the need to buy a token. On top of that, the token reduces both farmers and botting. I don’t see any downside to the token at all other than some people “paying to win” which doesn’t effect me at all.

Thats your own definition of it. Most people think p2w means you can pay for any immediate advantage. So right now if i pay to win i can be at a advantage compared to if i didnt.

Your definition might be true in your case but looking online most people think P2w just means you are paying for something that gives you a boost compared to not getting it. Boost meaning in many different ways.

At this point your basically arguing using your own definition which is not even widely accepted by most communities.

How did i contradict my own argument? Me being against wow tokens but also buying a boost using wow tokens? Isnt that the same as me saying i am against kids drinking alcohol even though i drank alcohol as a kid? Or i am against nestles water rights crusade but i once brought a kit kat? Like come on dude your arguments are weak

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says the guy with 4000 posts and still cant engage in a single argument based on your post history.

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dude, you out progged them for maybe 2 weeks, 4 tops if they got unlucky with drops. Its really not the big push you think it is. Like I said, ive leveled 50-60, and geared to heroic gear level in 2 weeks, and that was pugging into keys and raids.

You dont need to buy a carry, the game is easy mode enough as it is, but people like you think you need it to get an edge. Heck, the world first gets run with normal gear with a few mythic + pieces in for flavour. Gear is not the big hand out you seem to think it is

Alright crea,

So there is this game called BDO. In BDO you can spent around 40 USD to try one enchant that gives you about a 4% chance to upgrade your gear to pen. Basically meaning your damage goes up and is the only form of gearing in the game. You can either grind for 5-10 hours or you can spend 40 bucks and tap it for free. BDO you can also just sell outfits and buy gold which you can turn into gear. BDO has been clasified as the most P2W MMORPG out there. I have personally spent 10k-15k enjoying the game and upgrading my gear to full pen over the years.

Would you consider that game p2w?

If that game is P2W? how is wow not p2w?

This is just false, people like me think i need a edge? no people like me value my time and i would rather p2w to skip chores\the boring grind to get to the point i want to play which is end game. Not heroic,mplus,dailies,weeklies over months and months. I p2w and skip months of grinding and instantly get to where i want to be in most pay to win games like wow or mobile games.

Yeah no. your literally not replacing anyone. Your raid performance and if its a hardcore prog team, your logs, are what will get you a spot over someone else who performs less. No serious raiding guild takes item level over skill and raid awareness.

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Not true at all, i got a carry in eternal palace and got into many succesful pugs for reclear using that ahead of the curve achievement. Literally denying my experience you are on huge levels of copium. Also got into a good guild and was geared enough to play competitive arena in basically a week or 2.

Asmongold video.

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Thats pugs not serious raiding, pugs take any warm body as long as they arnt complete muppets.

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Yea a video on youtube was the one thing that got gamers angry with in game cash shops and systems that are built around cash shops ultimately making the game worse.Anotehr Super Bad take again from Thallia, keep them coming

I am not talking about Top 100 guild raiding, im talking about 4-5 first boss mythic clear and heroic clear as soon as i boost a character i never said world first. You are derailing the argument its about whether wow is p2w or not. Either your definition of p2w is different than everybody online or you think it is p2w. Right now i could buy 10 wow tokens and buy multiple pieces of mythic raiding gear. That kind of pay to win, paying money to getting a instant advantage over if i didnt pay money.

You’re trying to argue with someone outraged by carries, who buys carries. It’s not really worth the time an energy. But kudos for trying.

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I never said i was outraged by carries i just said its bad for the game. You again cannot engage in the argument or even understand what is being said. If its there ill abuse it cause i am wealthy, but just because i abuse it doesnt mean its good for the game. Its like rich people with taxes, they understand they are good but will abuse any loophole they can. Thats me but taking your raid slot or mplus slot in bfa.

Yeah im not talking about top tier either. If your using the LFG its a pug, they literally dont care as long as you can do half the mechanics and not wipe the group. Thats like trying to say your taking the spot of someone in an actual raid team because you boosted but never actually belonging to a team.

And im not saying you can’t pay for runs or gear, again, its just not the big advantage you seem to think it is. Compared to people who raid in regular old AOTC groups and mythic dabble, your maybe putting yourself a couple weeks ahead of them, by spending huge amounts of real life cash. And honestly, thats fine, you buying a boost is not killing the game for anyone else. Your personal progression means absolutely nothing to anyone else but yourself.

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Its coffee time entertainment.

I have no issue with boosting. I just find it laughable that people think a few extra pieces of gear and an achievement is such game breaking advancement. Like you know what people think when they look at someones logs, see they are full mythic geared, 1 kill of a boss and a mythic sylv kill.

haha sucka

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Okay, so ill give a couple of examples.

Character 1:
Say i am 210 ilvl and i queue for some mplus, some flex raiding. I have no achievements i have bad gear.

Character 2:
i buy wow tokens, i buy some gear and raids carries. Then i queue to do the content i want to do, IE actual raiding not LFR, or Competitive pvp, or Mplus. With 250 ilvl and a achievement if i am asked for experience.

What character will have a better advantage at getting groups\doing the content they want to do? Unless it has changed since BFA since i havent raided in shadowlands, in BFA every heroic run i ran they required a achievement link and a ilvl post. Hey i might be wrong people might not care about Ilvl or achievements anymore but i can tell you by paying money i put myself at a instant huge advantage.

The thing is, it doesnt matter if its not a HUGEEEE advantage or a small advantage, P2W is any advantage, if i buy gold and i get an advantage then its p2w , it might be small p2w compared to other MMORPGS like BDO. But its still p2w. I save basically months of grinding daily and can focus on what i enjoy.

P2W" doesnt mean you are betting somebody else (i mean i guess it does mean that in pvp) but it just means the game has the option to give yourself a better advantage if you pay rather than if you dont pay. Just like in new games where they push the cash shop heavily for advantages in game.

I’d give you a like, but apparently the WoW gods have deemed the limits be reached. lol

All of that gear is irrelevant in one patch. And no one cares about achievements anymore. Not when there’s parses and IO scores. And any carry sticks out like a sore thumb on those.

The fact that people like this one think being lazy and skipping content is terrible for the game and then does it anyway is just mind boggling.

But you have fun over coffee! I put him on ignore long ago. LOL


Because you dont understand the mobile market, i make mobile games for a living. Video games that have cash shops which generate the majority of the revenue normally build systems around it which are negative for the game because there revenue is based on it. But you obviously have never played any other games with cash shops and you dont understand basic monitory cash shop player loops.

But i said i wouldnt engage with you since you are doing this in bad faith or there is something serious up with you to the point where you actually cannot engage with any argument.

this would be a bad change for so many people in order to make the few who want carries to disappear to be happy.

People should maybe be more concerned with what they do than what others do.

wait you think getting those is winning the game? seriously? Did you lose when I bought a mythic carry a few expansions ago for the mount? I am pretty sure you didn’t because you didn’t even know that I did.

and what would be the point of that