While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

If you remove wow tokens blizz will not make systems\chores built around lots of gold or time. Just like the legendries. Why do you think Shadowlands legendaries cost over 100k when we had them free in Legion? Why is there more gold sinks than ever before? Because blizzard are a billion dollar company and it makes sense to create chores\progression linked to gold as its another source of income. So by having wow tokens it encourages more gold based systems\chores that people dont really want.

And thats only one point on wow p2w is bad. I can go into more. Even if you are good, if i played for one week and brought better gear and got better achievements than you i could easily replace you or anybody else that deserves it more because i payed to win.

Clearly you never grinded epic flying in TBC. You guys wanted crafting to be valuable again and now it is. Be careful what you wish for.

You could buy all the gear and achievements, but it’s too easy to spot someone that’s been boosted. Two things would happen if you applied to a pug. You’d either not be invited or you’d be kicked after one boss.

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Not true, at all. I brought a carry back in BFA and i got into a good guild cleared more raids got geared in a week/2 because i just brought gold and brought mplus carries\heroic carries. Had better gear than most people after playing a week or 2. I would of replaced people that worked hard over months to get geared and get enough stats to be able to join a normal\heroic group.

Also, Your argument on why legendaries cost lost of gold is applicable but i think you are disregarding the fact that you can make crafting valuable again without the huge chore\gold grind behind it like it is today. Who knows, it might of been on accident but i think we will see more gold based progression next xpac.

And no i didnt grind epic flying in TBC or WOTLK because it was not required to play the game. At the time i just did arena, i didnt need gold for it i just needed to do arena to do arena.

but now in order to do arena i will soon have to buy 2 legendaries. Which guess what ill spent 60 dollars on cause ill just buy them.

Any decent guild is going to check your parses. If you’ve been carried, you’ll have gray parses and very few boss clears and you’ll have those things with a guild that you didn’t belong to. If you buy an m+ rating, I’ll be able to see that you have very few clears and the guys that went with you had much higher IO ratings than you.

Your gear and achievements just won’t hold up to any scrutiny, which is exactly why things like parses and IO history are more indicative of ability than ilvl.

What you did need in TBC was shadow resist gear and you had to pay for that. That gear was outrageously expensive and the game couldn’t be played without it.

It might not of been a decent guild but they where good enough to clear heroic in my first run in the guild again. Wow isnt that hard, i have played it for 15 years. You basically just youtube a boss and most of the mechanics are rehashed from a previous raid tier.

But what i am saying is again, i payed money and got an advantage. Even look at my achievements for eternal palace if you dont believe me lol. I dont pve anymore cause its boring as heck but i pvp i just felt like doing some raids back in bfa like the ol days. I think if you can drive a car or remember to breath you can raid heroic pretty easily.

However going back to your initial argument i think the wow token does incentives systems\chores around the wow token and is negative in the game compared to having no wow tokens.

Well yeah…heroic isn’t very challenging lol, so I’m not sure why you’d need an “advantage” to do it. Even casual raiding guilds are going to clear heroic within the first month. I’m just not understanding why you’re paying for an achievement that’s so easy to obtain. By the time most guilds are selling heroic clears, you could have easily done it yourself.

You can pug AOTC in the first week if you really wanted to.

After checking your Eternal Palace logs, it’s obvious that you paid for the carry. You only have one clear on each boss and you parsed less than 10 on each fight. That’s not going to open any doors for you.


I’m sorry… they’re raging about tokens and carries… while being one of those people who buys carries?


Buying carries tier after tier probably isn’t affordable for most people lol.

lmao, wow is p2w. Every one knows it.
I mean my main still has 235 legendaries because he is too broke to buy the piece off the AH.

I can solve that problem by paying money for a wow token :]

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P2W means you have access to things that the rest of us don’t. Frankly, the ilvl difference on your legendary isn’t where its power comes from. If you don’t want to grind the gold, then don’t.

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No, but I find it hilarious that he’s raging against carries and bought a carry. That’s some serious trolling right there. lol

Buying a legendary that everyone else can buy or earn or make isn’t pay to win. :woman_facepalming:


Yeah, it usually takes a bit longer before someone directly contradicts their own argument in one of these things.

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I guess the real debate is on what the definition of p2w is.

Am I in the only guild that gives the legendaries out to the raiders? WoW isn’t different from any other skill based hobby. You can buy the most expensive tennis racket on the market, but you need to know how to play or it’s just a waste of money.

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Everyone seems to have a different meaning of it, specially the boost sellers.aka the people who wanna protect their business of carrying. But no one can deny the real meaning of it is paying real $$ to get any form of advantage over other players and skip grinds. In this case, you skip the grind most players have do normally like M+15s, progression raiding, and rated PVP build-up, and pay $20 to get someone to run them through said content for the highest reward instantly. This is P2W aka “Pay to win” that people seem to miss…you don’t p2w gear and destroy everyone else solely, you can p2w in this way too.

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Skipping the grind is the only thing that you’re paying for, but I don’t even see the value in that as the tiers last like 6 months. If you can’t get AOTC or KSM without a carry, I have to question what’s been won. The problem you’ll have is that you’ll never be able to do those things absent the people carrying you, no matter how much gear you get. You’ve gotten the gear and you still can’t do the content. How are you better off than you were before?

Gear just isn’t as valuable as it used to be. When rotations were one button and there were barely any mechanics, maybe you could make that argument. Gear is so easy to get now that ilvl isn’t even really a consideration now. If I’m doing something even remotely challenging, I’m looking at your parses and your key history. Those are things you can’t buy.

By the time there are enough groups that can 4-man 15’s for your achievement, I would have had it for a long time.

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And then disappears like they were never here. lol

What is it with all the topics on the token all of a sudden? Is this just a dude posting on his alt accounts because he super hates the token?

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Tokens are stabilizing for gold in general. When you buy a token for gold, you are taking gold that you farmed and giving it to another player. When someone sells a token to obtain gold, they are taking gold from another player in exchange for game time. Nowhere in that system is any gold generated that otherwise would not have been. Keeping the gold in system is good for the overall value of gold. It substantially reduces the size of the 3rd party gold market, which substantially reduces the value of spending effort and electricity to bot gold. WoW token is a deflating force.

If they remove WoW token, nothing about the game systems change. The gold market moves from secure in house services back fully into the Chinese government’s control. If you want less pay to win, try to convince Blizzard to have better game systems that allow people to circumnavigate the carry market.

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I was discussing this in another thread and having a debate with someone who hard defended the token(he was trolling Im guessing), so I just decided to post my own opinion on the subject. No I don’t know why the others started up but I’m guessing its due to lost ark maybe? I’m just sharing my opinion that the token revert to game time only would fix wow to some degree, and the rest is blizz banning players who are getting sudden huge amounts of gold from 3rd party sellers. It’s not everyday someone suddenly gets traded 1m gold out of the blue.

And if you need further proof, look at the character pages. Each char has the same pets/mounts/etc. Lumbagel has 3 lvl 1 pets and I have 3 lvl 25 pets. Not alts.