While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

So what’s the solution here… you want to end all content creation? No more content? It’s still a stupid point. As if people wouldn’t talk about other things equally as stupid if “content creator clickbait” didn’t exist. You’re arguing about something inevitable and realistically it’s good that it’s a topic because it challenges the status quo. Doesn’t mean people aren’t idiotic about it, but more people making their own opinions isn’t bad either.

Except, it’s not this at all. Pay to Win would mean that the carries that were purchased would guarantee the same exact gear as rated PvP, or Mythic raid gear, which it doesn’t. Your premise would be true only if they could use that gold to purchase that rated PvP gear, or Mythic raid gear from the cash shop, and the last time that I checked, there’s only cosmetic items in there, just saying.

The token was put into the game to combat against Chinese gold sellers. Apparently, it was so bad that there was even a Machinama made about it.


Solution to what? Where did a problem come up that needs a solution? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. It’s a logical point. Because it’s pattern for this forum. Has been for ages. Content creator makes video, bunches of threads pop up about whatever they’ve said is the death of the game or the newest controversy.

None of these OPs are their own opinions. And I never said it was bad or good. So I don’t know what your deal is here.

Honestly, all removing the gold value of tokens will do is 3 things.

  1. Move gold buying back 100% via illegal websites. People bought gold before tokens and they will buy after tokens

  2. Increase the amount of raw gold farming bots. Gold selling is a massive lucrative business, all the people buying gold from effect one open their accounts to being used for throw away bots in effect 2.

  3. You will have market chaos until a new norm baseline for gold value is established and then it will continue on business as usual. Instead of people paying 1-2mil gold for a heroic loot funnel or a mythic sylv kill + mount. It will just readjust in price to reflect the current gold value. People bought raid and dungeon runs back in vanilla. Top guilds sold gear and clears and mounts and all that good stuff. The token didnt make that happen. The playerbase has always has elements of paid carry runs. Why should guilds or pug groups have to go out of their way and waste their time just to carry people through content without any benefit? Guilds that could sold carries to fund their raiding consumes and repairs. Groups that could sell arena wins or keys wont stop because the token gets removed. Just the gold price will change.

Because the player base wants those services.

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It would but it would be illegal to do so and therefore make wow not pay to win. This is just a bad argument, instead of making wow pay to win hire support people to action people buying gold off third party websites.

This is just a white knight argument for p2w.

Here is the problem that you are presenting; you answered your own question. What is your solution to it? No more content creation? Silence everyone with a point?

I’d argue that’s incorrect. Whether or not it’s a well-informed opinion is a different story, but they’ve clearly attached themself to this idea through their own rationalization. So it really doesn’t matter past that in this context. It’s not an uncommon thing… that’s why many conversations on the internet erupt into some sort of political argument… because people are taking opinions from one source and arguing them in another. It’s no different.

I hope you are trolling or you are huffing on some strong copium to think that P2W is not a big part of wow these days.

Literally google the definition. If you pay money to buy gold and you can buy a boost or gear you literally out progress somebody or in pvp out gear them soley based on paying money.

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It should be “While we’re” in the title.

Probably some youtuber called wow P2W again and all the “Content creator” shills are coming out of the wood work with freshly spoon fed opinions of things they don’t even understand or know the meaning of.


This is just another bad take. Explain how wow is not p2w. Il lexample why i think it is:

If two people return to playing wow and one person has 1000 dollars and the other has zero and just a sub.

  1. One person can buy a boost, then they can buy multiple wow tokens and then buy multiple mplus carries, Raid carries and get geared and get achievements to join a good guild to raid with
  2. The other hits level 30 and is still far behind the progress of the guy that payed.

How is wow not pay to win, when you can use gold for all types of progression in this game and skipping core break points. Just like mobile games where you can buy better items in the store, this is literally identical.


Once more…

I never said there was a problem.

You’re creating an argument that doesn’t even exist. Do you just like to make stuff up just to argue? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thus… not their own opinion. Just one they agree with.

Quit making stuff up just to argue.

Literally understand that P2W is based on stuff that either lasts the entirety of a game or is stuff you can’t get from normal gameplay.

Pay to skip is exactly what this is: paying someone to skip doing the content others do for the same gear that will then be obsolete in a patch.

You are on copium again. You are incorrect. This is your definition of pay to win NOBODY ELSE THINKS THIS WAY.

Even if i use your logic, some things last the entirety of the game, challenge mode, expansion locked stuff like challenge mode sets gladitor season mounts, curve achievements etc. If i sucked at raiding and i wanted say ahead of the curve so i could use it next xpansion to get into a good raiding guild i could pay to win and buy a heroic run in the last raid of the tier to get ahead of the curve, which is time specific.

Pay to skip is such a stupid phrase and your stance is only going to continue to ruin wow with more MTX related trash just like mobile gaming. World of warcraft end game is literally progression, if you skip progression by buying gear or carrys you are paying for an advantage over somebody who doesnt at the same level.

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Boy are you wrong. Nor do you speak for everyone. Grow up and stop insulting people.

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Well see, heres the thing. gear doesnt = skill or winning. Gear also is not a sure thing. You can have all the gold and gear in the world but it wont get you a spot in a good guild.
Do you think good guilds dont check logs? Its painfully obvious when someone has bought gear/achievements. We actually laugh going through recruitment logs when people try that.
Being 252 geared dont mean a thing if your still unable to do mechanics or pull more than auto shot damage. A mid tier guild might give you a chance just based on item level (top guilds wont even respond to you) but you wont stay in the group long before your benched.


You couldnt even respond to my statement, all you can do is fold away into playing the victim card. Typical

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OK so your argument is, because paying gold to buy better gear or buying carries for mounts, armor or anything else rare doesnt increase your skill level then the game is not pay to win?

Buying ahead of the curve or better gear 100% gives you better chances at joining random mythic groups you wouldnt be able get into before if you didnt have the gear or to raids if you didnt have the gear which would allow you to get more skilled. Go on explain that away

Because there’s nothing to respond to. You’re wrong and you have no intention of learning or being wrong. I don’t indulge toxic people like you.

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You are clearly having an issue with people “parroting” but you fail to understand that your frustration with this parroting is arguing a point that will never change. You are present a very clear issue here, whether you state it outright or not.

It is their own opinion. Whether it is convoluted or not does not make it less of their opinion…

Suggesting OP is parroting is also incorrect. The content creators I’ve seen are arguing nuance to P2W which there is. It’s an ambiguous definition. Cohhcarnage and Asmongold have both talked about it in that way. This is different information than the “clickbait” titles you have a vendetta against.

Even if i use your logic, some things last the entirety of the game, challenge mode, expansion locked stuff like challenge mode sets gladitor season mounts, curve achievements etc. If i sucked at raiding and i wanted say ahead of the curve so i could use it next xpansion to get into a good raiding guild i could pay to win and buy a heroic run in the last raid of the tier to get ahead of the curve, which is time specific.

Explain how this is not pay to win, even in your definition this is pay to win.

You argue that i have no intention of learning but i argued against your statement and all you can do is say i will not learn and that you are the victim of abuse. You basically dont know how to argue and have tunnel vision ideas.

No. But you clearly are.

I made a statement. You got all bent out of shape and made crap up to try to argue for no reason.

Move on.