While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

Actually when it was first introduced it was strictly gold only but no one really bought em so the prices on em were um… well bad if you were the one selling it. They added the 15 bucks bnet credit later in order to entice more people to buy and sell em thus raising the price up.


I’ve been playing for seventeen years, bud. Lose your attitude.

I’d argue Lost Ark coming out did because P2W is in question with that game and the WoW Token is the evidence for arguments. Though subsequently content creators are talking about it more.

The Asmongold video has been posted on the forums twice now concerning the subject, so that’s where it’s coming from around here. Of course the subject is Lost Ark, because that’s what they’re playing.

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How many tokens has Asmongold bought

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Actually disagree. Yes third party sites would be the only outlet for boosts, but less people would be inclined to go to a third party site.

A WoW token they know is safe because it has the blizzard stamp of approval. WIth boosting communities being against TOS and overall feeling unsafe trusting something off a third party website, I think waaaay less people would end up abusing this feature.

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If Lost Ark didn’t come out, it wouldn’t be in question. Kind of a chicken and the egg thing, but Lost Ark coming out stemmed it IMO.

You seem to be missing the point. Without the content creators making a big deal out of it, no one here would start parroting that stuff.

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Imho,you better save your gold you get because soon that will be nerfed just like all the other time.

Asmongold doesn’t buy token he doesn’t have to they give him a donation.

You also seem to be missing the point… we could go back and forth about this all day but it’s chicken/egg…

All that does is drive down the demand for the token, so the price will drop. You’ll still be able to buy one for $20 US, and sell it on the AH for gold. All removing the option to convert it into $15 bnet balance does is reduce demand for said token.

That is 100% rude and uncalled for. People can forget stuff or misremember. That’s why I said that cause, tbh, I barely remembered. It wasn’t out for too long before they made the change from what I remember.

It really isn’t. If Asmongold doesn’t post a clickbait video, we don’t get troll threads or threads parroting off of his stuff. It could be any game. It doesn’t matter. These threads are dependent on people getting sucked into whatever clickbait stuff a content creator throws at them. It’s a sheeple thing.

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The only time i watch him is for the fun and he is ridiculous .

Has anyone addressed this part of the OP yet?
WoW tokens just move gold from one player to another, they don’t create new gold.

Also, does revert mean remove(in the context of the OP)?
If you don’t get gold for buying a WoW token on the shop, where are they going to come from for people who want to buy them from the AH for gold?


I bought gold from 3rd party sites back in 2012. Then I got sick and could not log in for a couple of weeks. When I finally managed to get back on my computer, I found emails from Blizzard telling me that my WoW account had been suspended for 7 days. They also took the gold. I was and still out the money I spent on it. I also do not care about the 7 days. I was in the hospital during that time.

Now I buy WoW Tokens.

If lost ark doesn’t exist there is no clickbait video about P2W. Your turn!

The implication meaning people don’t do it now cause tokens exist?


If rmt is cheaper and people feel like they won’t get banned/or believe they are capable of cleaning the gold, they will rmt vs buying tokens. This pearl clutching needs to stop.

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I already explained this. You failed to pay attention.

It could be literally anything and a content creator would turn it into something the sheeple will parrot.

But once again… these forums don’t end up with topics like this based off of simply a game. They’re based off of content creator clickbait.

Let’s not be pedantic.

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