While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

The thing is, the WoW token works because people buy them with real money to get gold. So those who “P2W” by buying tokens for gold would still get the gold with real money that they then use for carries. The gold they get is from other players who are spending it on tokens either for wallet cash or for game time. Eliminating the wallet feature of the tokens wouldn’t solve this issue because there’s no way any company is just going to give free game time to players for gold, since that wouldn’t translate into profits.


Instead of spending real money to buy a token, players will spend real money to buy the gold directly from a third party site. The idea that wow tokens created something new baffles me, blizzard just took something that was already happening and moved it in house.

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What I was saying is the OP doesn’t understand how the token system works. If you removed the wallet function the only thing that MAY stop is people who are potentially buying games with wallet balance to sell on gray market reseller sites…but IIRC that’s not possible with the BNet launcher anyways since games bought through the wallet are tied directly to the account and not through “cd keys”.


I think simply requiring every player in a dungeon/raid/PvP to meet a certain threshold of engagement for any achievement/achievement progress/title/gear/mount/pet/whatever from that content would be a better way to snuff out the P2W issue.

(And the cross faction is not ‘fixing WoW’, is it destroying vital parts of it.)

I’ve often wonder if that works.

Since google will show more reliable hits. Places that have been running for years even.

would this also extended to LFR?

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No it extends to the Valentine Event.

Seriously who afks that?! I’ve seen it happen a few times and it’s like “this is easy?! Why?!”

happened to me earlier tonight, some chucklehead stood at the top of the stairs.

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Why… /sigh

Boot them. They don’t even wanna try, they go afk and pick loot after.

GL with that. Poor person coming in after them boss would die by the time they zone in. Not even worth it.

I think Susan Express may have said content creator on her payroll.



It would be an in-game rating system for all content that would determine every player’s contribution to any and all content to decide whether they should get credit for completion or rewards.

You thought you were going to carry your friend’s undergeared alt? No way! They contributed less than average for the group so they got no loot and are ineligible to be traded to.

That’s the system Silverleigh wants.


Funny you say that, because FFXIV uses this very same system for FATEs. If you get in too late, you don’t get much credit if at all. It’s 100% possible for wow but they have to want to create it.

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They aren’t changing the token.

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Revert what change? The WoW token hasn’t changed since it was implemented. It was always bought for $20 and then traded for gold.

I also don’t really care if someone buys a token to boost themselves in PvP or PvE.

giggles incessantly


If you want to create a system to permanently stratify players into an unchangeable caste system, players who will always have to play with others exactly at their skill level or will get no loot ever, that’s going to cause way more problems than it solves.

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