While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

My vote is for no :slight_smile:

looks around for ballot box

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We saw them prior to tokens.

Always from some throwaway account.


OOOH yeah those I forgot about those.




Wow. Decent English. We didnā€™t get that back in the day. :rofl:


lol wow I havenā€™t seen one of those in a very long time XD hahahaha

IKR?! I think google translate got better XD

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You do understand that if you did a quick google search right now you would find probably half a dozen sites that will carry you right now for a credit card number. All the token did was bring something that was already going on into the light by giving a ā€œlegalā€ means of paying for it.


You can get carried to obtain better gear or an achievement, but it wonā€™t make you a better player. If someone wants to spend a ton of money to obtain gear they donā€™t know how to use I donā€™t really care.


Itā€™s like the guys that drive around in a lifted truck. Sure they feel better butā€¦

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What if I pay to get coached by top players :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or itā€™s the same person

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Thereā€™s a lot of people who try to buy their way into my profession (Photography) and they donā€™t accomplish much other than enriching the camera stores. One guy sent me a resume with no experience but a list of all the top end gear he owned. In the first interview I asked him some very basic photography questions and he totally blanked on them. He didnā€™t get a second interview. :sunglasses:

I imagine a lot of the ones spending big on boosts are similar.

A much better use of resources IMO. :+1:


Yeah, there is. There is no guarantee the group youā€™re provided will actually be able to complete the content.

If Blizzard gave you an ā€œI Winā€ button for AOTC, youā€™d just have it. If youā€™re paying another player, youā€™re still rolling the dice for a ā€œchanceā€.


How dependent has the AH market become on casuals like myself buying crafted gear with tokens? Are there any stats on this? Im ok with the token being game time only but I am curious if people are ready for the downstream effects.

I mean casual player at the basic of it is gather materials list materials and they can make a good chunk of gold off it. If they wanna go little further maybe breaking down materials. Honestly the game throws gold at you with daily callings, mission tables etc in addition to the AH.

FYI skinning is always a good prof. You can make bank off just skinning alone. Out doing dailies? Skin everything that has a pelt!

Not disagreeing with you at all. I think you are right. I am just curious how the market has shifted to the token monetary input and what dependencies that has created for crafters. i.e. Will crafters find their sales drop 50% ā€¦ 90%? Honestly I dont need to buy the gear. I level a toon to 60, buy gear, then level an alt. It just makes the next expansion easier but I could do the next expansion wearing whites.

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I would like to actually :laughing:
I was on https://www.dpreview.com/ a couple days ago like :thinking: which DSLR should I get lol.

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Go mirrorless. The technology has finally matured enough.

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