While were "Fixing wow" we should revert changes to wow token - game time only!

You can keep parroting this all you want, but WoW (other than the few BOEs you can buy each tier) simply isn’t P2W. You’re not winning anything, except the ability to do dailies faster. No guild is going to recruit or take you because you bought a carry.

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MUCH less people, and I mean overwhelming majority of people, would buy less or no gold at all if it was only available from third party sites. Changing it from blizzard which is 100% safe to a site where you can get scammed or banned from the game for buying it is a huge deterrent to most. Blizzard just needs to do their job and ban the sellers.

In other words, remove in-game revenue, create additional expense to police players that turn to third party sites, in addition to boosting third party site revenue. That’s a great plan, good luck with that.

I remember back when I started in Cata, a childhood friend whom quit years back, took me to Vanilla raids and the bosses were dropping like 250g or 500g a pop! Now they drop like 6g or some other variable of the number 6. I realize Vanilla raids can’t drop that much now; but the Legion raids should. Or maybe they shouldn’t? idk…

Dude tokens are created as a direct result of people paying rl money for them. The gold value is determined by the players, more people buying, the token price increases, less people buying the price falls. But it does not require someone paying gold to make a token available. It takes someone buying one with cash.

You can’t make a token to sell for gold, by using gold. When you buy a token for gold you have 2 options, either add as gametime or as blizz balance. The conversion rate would actually have you lose value if you were buying a token to sell for gold, with gold. If a million people bought a token to sell right now for cash, there would be a token created for each cash sale. They would just stay listed in purchase order on the AH until someone pays gold for one. You dont get the gold in game until your token actually sells.

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I know I lose gold on doing it, but I have gotten 2 tokens before, gotten 15 bucks in bnet per each one (total of 30) on zul’jin, and bought a wow token off the shop to sell on a toon on Hyjal when I had some friends over there that wanted to play.

I lost well… quite a bit but least I had something over there… Probably wasn’t the best move tbh but hey it was better than nothing.

If they removed consumables, enchants, vantus runes, etc. - then sure.

Lot of people I know just want to M+ and Raid. They don’t mind buying a token here and there so they can get the consumables needed.

But if you removed all of these consumables, then the token purchase wouldn’t be needed.

What is being “won”? The only competition where gold even matters is the world first race - which is over after the 1st week of raid.

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I’ll agree to disagree, I think you are grossly out of touch and don’t realize it.

wow isnt pay to win, it never has been, just because you can exhange a token for gold doesnt mean anything, these “carries” are still liable to fail, blizzard isnt offering any services or skips to the top.

just because you can pay another player for their services doesnt mean the game itself is p2w, youre just mad people are playing the game in ways that you dont like and yet have no effect on you

stop making a mountain out of an ant-hill

Unfortunately I believe this a naïve and inaccurate prediction of what would occur if wow removed tokens.

Buddy you’re just buying their PR spin on breaking the economy for a huge revenue boost

This wasn’t benevolent or an equal transfer of any kind

Admittedly part of the boost is due to massively changing system design to increase cash shop metrics, but you just don’t wanna believe the obvious on this one

I appreciate your good faith in wow but it is misplaced with the current team who only gets bonuses based on cash shop revenue cuz subs never come close to the peaks of wow

You’re having trouble reconciling using shady insecure account jeopardizing third party sites would have less use than ingame endorsed primary currency on the cash shop, just step back for a moment