Which rewards are most prestigious to you?

The one’s I like.

I’m partial to solo challenges, group stuff can be purchased, or you could be face down in the dirt as the rest of the group gets the kill done. Solo stuff is best because if you can’t get it done, you only have yourself to blame.

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None of them.

Lmao wut?

Pvp get the vicious mount, glad mount, conq set, elite set, weapon enchants, pvp weps, titles

Every season. Good pvp players have more rewards per season than anyone.


The real prestige is titles for the bleeding edge stuff (hall of fame, glad etc).

Everything else shouldnt be locked and should be earn able in a current season at the cost of not getting current season rewards. (Eg picking the raven aotc mount at the cost of not getting the fyrakk one if you aotc last patch) But im not going down that rabbit hole.

Everyone is kinda nuts about game rewards when no one cares what anyone has

Regimes change. Many of the old concepts like “player agency” were strictly enforced by the original group of devs. Never say never.

That is… false. A huge portion of the rewards are associated with PvE.

I agree with you that for most people getting CE is more difficult than getting 1800 or 2100 in arena.

However, the difference is that in PVP, those mogs are directly tied to the score, whereas you don’t suddenly unlock full mythic raid mog set when you get CE. So, mythic raid mogs are not as prestigious as PVP mogs, especially with the catalyst and vault available. Mythic raid mogs are more of a collection rather than an achievement.

If anything, perhaps only CE raiders should get the title for killing the last boss. But, it seems like people don’t care about it too much anyway so it is probably fine as is.

In a season? For endgame?

You get raid color sets X4/hall of fame title, a m+ mount/title/portals

What else am i missing?

In PvP, you get raid color sets x2. You get a title and a mount.

You get all of those things in PvE, plus like 200 mounts, plus like 20 more PvE transmog sets, plus portals, plus pets, plus titles.

Basically everything.

I don’t believe in video game prestige.

I like to vary. But I am one of the defenders that things have their value due to the effort of the time.
To me, being able to play with my CM transmog, my Proving Ground title, my M+ mount, my Mage Tower bear form, and my CM weapon, means something.
It means I was there and I went through it.

And I get that people feel like timing was the only thing stopping them from getting a certain reward, but that has happened to me too. I got nothing from BfA and SL because I didn’t play them.

Do I wish I had played it? Maybe, but I’m not crying about it. It’s gone and I lost the window of opportunity.

And I’m fine with people getting recolors of my CM set. I’m even fine with Blizzard allowing Classic Pandaria (if it comes) challengers wear the set on retail.
I just don’t think that you should remove the meaning out of the piece. It means that person did X. That meaning should stay.

What I’d like is if you hit glad you could go back and by the sets, for example, I played the Legion campaign but then took a break until the last patch. My paladin missed out on the silver recolor of the Night hold class set. One of the nicest sets imo but I’d already missed the opportunity to collect it. I’ve only ever seen one being mogged but damn it looked good. Pretty exclusive I’d say is all of the glad elite sets and mounts. Seems like most of the rest of the exclusives can be retroactively collected.

I listed the pvp youre missing pvp enchants, pvp weapons mog, the honor mount over 1k rating, etc. you could argue the vicious mount isnt a thing because you can buy later but w/e

200 mounts and 20 gear sets? Are you including world content? What raid gave 200 mounts. You get aotc and thats 1 tier an xpac. Mythic mount is farmable so isnt prestige.

World content is not a thing thats prestigious lmfao and then i could include honor sets and world pvp tints etc. but they arent anything. Rofl

For end game content pvp rewards are way more then raid/m+ rewards per season.

For anyone still following this thread:

I should have been more specific about which transmogs should be unlocked. I certainly never meant mage tower, proving grounds, gladiator sets, torghast, any other solo content -OR- really old and super grindy sets that really meant something 15-20 years ago.

I would like to narrow down my request to essentially raid and pvp sets from the last 10 years or so (WoD and on). Any set that required 1800-2100 isn’t the same as a gladiator set. We all agree on that right? So keep glad sets off the table. But any set that only required 1800-2100 should absolutely be unlocked, since MYTHIC difficulty raid sets can be one shotted just a few months later.

I have quite a few elite sets that only required 1800 and I absolutely would not mind seeing someone who only pve’s wearing an old set that I earned when it was current, so long as they did some pvp to obtain a token/currency in a current season, to go back and buy an old set/weapon

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Blizz really has a weird hang up with PvP content. I wonder if they think PvPers only get fun out of things if other players don’t have them? Maybe they are? I dunno. I doubt all PvPers are like that. But when it comes to PvP titles and mounts and all that Blizz is like, 'Nope, can’t add them back. They must remain “prestigious”." Meanwhile, yes, bring back all PvE stuff. Give away all trading card stuff. (Which to be clear I’m cool with).

I’ve been playing since '04 so I have a lot of stuff that hasn’t been in the game for a long time, and I’m happy to see stuff come back. Like, take my Tabard of the Protector (please) from the opening of the AQ gates. If they brought it back now, I’d be fine with it. I’ve had it for like two decades. Let other people have fun.

Here’s my take, nothing in this game should be unobtainable (aka “prestigious”) for more than, like, five years. Maybe less. If lording items over other players is your fun then get the items when they’re available, lord them over the players that missed them for a few years, get new items to lord over them when the previous items are available again. In other words, the game should be constantly making new “prestigious” items while freeing up old “prestigious” items.

And to be clear, I’m not a fan of just giving away items that were hard to get. There should still be some challenge to getting them, even if that challenge is just a low drop rate in old content. I’m also totally onboard with making acquiring “prestigious” items while they were relevant and current content a feat of strength, so players who get the items later don’t get the FoS achievement.

I think there are moments in time that should be marked as an accomplishment. It shows people that you were not only playing at a certain time, but were also informed and into the game.

I don’t even PvP hard core, but I think PvP sets have the best reason to remain exclusive. They are a snap shot of the class balance, composition, and dedication of the Players involved at the time. Things can change so much, heck, whole specs can be reworked like Combat and Survival. It isn’t the same challenge.

There are some things that should remain exclusive and tied to the challenge at the time.

I’m not looking to get “prestige” from my mog, and I don’t inspect others to see if they have a matched set or something that is no longer available. I actually think most newer mogs are fussy looking and look more like costumes than like armor. I mix and match, find something that works for me, and may not change for years.

I agree with you, it’s just that my bar is lower than yours. Because I agree with you, I’m saying glad sets should be off the table. But if we all agree that mythic bosses are harder than 1800 pvp rating, then why can mythic pieces be one shotted a few months later, but 1800 sets can’t be grinded back out? That’s all I’m saying. I don’t think there’s a player in the game that would genuinely feel slighted, by someone having the ability to grind current and similar content, to go back and buy a transmog that’s time-gated . I’m not even saying make it easy, I’m just saying make it available.

I hear what you’re saying about class balance and inflated/deflated seasons and all that, but 1800?

Literally nothing in the game

The closest “hard” challenge we ever got was mage tower and even those were a joke

Everything else could just be bought, so clearly not hard enough if you can just be carried to it

None, lmao.