Which rewards are most prestigious to you?

Between mounts, titles, enchants and transmogs?

I ask this question because I just came across an Ian interview where he said obtaining old time limited transmogs are off the table because he wants them to maintain their prestige.

I thought about this and I can’t honestly say that I’ve ever read/heard anyone supporting this? Titles and mounts, sure, but transmogs?

It seems particularly restricted to pvp sets. You can go back and solo any old raid to get mythic appearances, but you can’t farm old elite pvp sets that required 1800-2100 rating?

I would say getting (earning, not buying) gladiator is probably more difficult than completing a mythic raid, but competing a mythic raid is definitely more difficult than getting 1800 or even 2100 in arena. I’m open to opinions on that of course, but that’s just my opinion.

Sticking with old pvp sets to make things easy, say an expansion is 4 seasons. In 3 out of 4 seasons you hit whatever the rating is to get the elite set (I think for the last few years it’s been 1800), but you missed a season due to work, family or other restraints. So Ian is saying that even though an individual clearly could have hit that benchmark to get the missing elite set, had they played, there’s no way to farm it, just because they weren’t subscribed during that season? But you can easily obtain any old MYTHIC tier appearances, right after that season ended and killing mythic bosses is way harder than hitting 1800?

Does this make sense to anyone else? I don’t think it really bothers mythic raiders to see people wearing mogs from a mythic raid that they actually earned, while that raid was current. Likewise, I really don’t think any pvper would care at all to see someone wearing an elite mog from a previous season, even though they didn’t earn that mog during that current season.

Does anyone have anymore insight into the reasoning on this because what I read was a screenshot with responses, so I didn’t hear/read the entire interview in its full context.

This is a 20 year old video game with an aging population, but fine, keep titles and mounts restricted, that makes sense. But transmog pieces?

And by the way, I’m not talking about any super rare old legendary’s , ancient raids from vanilla/bc or any of the really old pvp sets from the same era, but I do think pretty much any piece from say WOD or Legion and on, should be unlocked.

Would any of you really take issue with old mogs (not titles and mounts!) being unlocked for everyone else to enjoy in this 20 year old video game?


Mainly my memories.
Achievements, as in the game acknowledging my feat at the time, are a close second.

Pixel trophies… not so much.

Bring those back too, just make them take a similar level of effort, whether it was rank (skill) or dedication (RNG, for some at least).


Hmmm. I’m not sure that people look at each other very much. In our current main city, mostly it is people on their yaks and mostly the area is shaded with no real light.

What I liked, back in the day, was when Iron Forge was the place to hang out because the bank and the AH were pretty close but mainly it was very bright and warm and, as to your question, the prestige moments were having the most current thing – like showing off a new pet or toy to draw attention to yourself.

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My Mage Tower Druid weapons. I got the Balance and Resto ones. For me, the Resto challenge was insanely difficult, so I was quite proud of finishing it. Balance I did the very last day, because I failed at it so much beforehand.


Hold up. Is this a veiled “give me challenge mode appearances” thread?

Then you haven’t read much of anything.

Because the season is over.

No. Because what was said is true.

Challenge Mode PvE and Elite PvP are limited time challenges and shouldn’t return.

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My most prestigious would be the Korkron War Wolf.

I earned it. I put in the time and effort to learn my class and the fights. It is the one thing in all of WoW I am most proud of.

So did I… yet I somehow don’t have it. I’m confused as to why. :dracthyr_shrug:

I would def put in a ticket, if you already havent. Thats bunk, to earn that and not have it. I would be throwing a fit.

If I had to pick a general rule of thumb, its based around things which are generally timelocked. Where you cant go back and just one shot it later.

If I had to pick what I feel is mine, I would say getting realm first times on all WoD challenge mode dungeons. While I didnt end with the realm first, it was a fun push.


Ok this comment actually is a super fair point. Mage tower definitely off limits because it’s not something that you can go back and farm when it’s easier. It’s also not like a PvP season where you can just hit 1800 whenever you want and get it. Mage tower was unique. This one I agree with. Plus, isn’t mage tower still going?

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I truly did hate Garrosh back then… LOL

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Probably because, people that exclusively do PvP, that is their end game. Those are their rewards, and they get substantially less rewards than other avenues in-game.

But there are exclusive PvE rewards as well that PvP players have been locked out of as well, kinda.

Yes. And this is coming from a person that has almost none of them. It’s bad philosophy to diminish other peoples work because we want things for ourselves, that’s a great way to ruin the long term health of the game.

Yeah, they just revamped the rewards and rebalanced the fights.

How can he say that with a straight face when they made the most sought after plate shoulders purchasable?

None of them. I only care about my improvement as a player. The rewards are milestones, nothing more.

I do not care what they bring back. On multiple occasions now they have brought back previously limited items and I just… cannot be bothered.

Well his lawyer training did enable him to reach the rank of Master. He can lie as easily as he breathes.


Because a set of cosmetic shoulders that have been a low droprate from a raid aren’t prestigious. They’re just a low droprate. Not a challenge mode.


It was still obtainable in game. This just sped up the process. OP is talking about items which can’t be obtained anymore, PvP sets, Illusions, Tier armor, that sort of thing.

This is false.

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Here’s all I’m saying. If we all agree that mythic bosses are more difficult than 1800 pvp rating and you have to farm a raid for months to get all the pieces, unlike arena where you can buy a full set in a few days of queuing, then how does it make sense that you can go back and one shot mythic raids that took people months of gameplay, but you can’t somehow farm an old pvp set?

They have those seasonal pvp mounts that no one cares about. Not the glad mounts, but the participation mounts. I think it’s something like 100 arena wins and even less if doing rbgs, to fill the bar. Couldn’t they just as easy make a bar that when you get enough wins over 1800, you could fill up a bar and earn a token/currency that unlocks an old mog set of your choice? Because in doing so, you’ve clearly shown that you could have earned an older set, but you just weren’t subscribed at the time

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According to many players here, yeah, lucky RNG drops are prestige.
And even more ludicrously, timelocked rewards are considered the epitome of prestige.

The real issue with “difficult”-based prestige rewards is that you can buy most of them via carries.

The only truly unique prestige challenge/rewards were Mage Tower’s when it was brand new, depending on spec/gear (legendary) setup.
After one was geared in full Argus gear, they were a joke, just yet another timelocked reward.

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Which is my point.

Maybe for some, not for all. I beat my head against the healer challenge as a Druid for months right up until the end.