Which rewards are most prestigious to you?

This right here. All day long

Getting 2100 in PvP is absolutely harder than completing a mythic raid. The only personal requirement to get ce is having a strong understanding of your class and fight mechanics. You donā€™t even have to exceptional, just decent, and extremely patient and consistently show up. Pvp requires you to essentially know every single offensive and defensive ability in the game for every spec. Then taking all that information and still managing to outplay another human being who also has the same knowledge.

Well, Iā€™ve never completed a mythic raid, but I have been duelist before, so I guess I was kind of guessing.

Still though and like you said, you just have to keep showing up and know your class. Then it takes months for all of your mog pieces to drop, but you can farm a full pvp set in 2 or 3 days. 1 day, I suppose if you had the time and energy

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Yeah, I personally canā€™t relate to being butthurt that someone can get some mount or set of pixels I got years ago. I think in general itā€™s people who spent a gold cap on some mount that shows up later on sale or something. IDK, seems stupid to me.

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I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m not looking at someoneā€™s mog and thinking wow, this players really good! Iā€™m comparing achievements. Iā€™m looking at their mount, or their title.

Thatā€™s the entire purpose of the compare achievements tab lol. You donā€™t judge someoneā€™s feats by their mogs. Not since probably WOD anyway

I donā€™t care that people look at my mog and think that or not. You asked the following:

Which rewards are most prestigious to you?

I answered what it means TO ME. Not anyone else.

Right, and you said mage tower, which I completely agreed with.

In hindsight, I probably should have made it simple and say seasonal raid/pvp sets

I canā€™t even see my character, I donā€™t mind what she uses lol

None of them. They are all meaningless.


Nihilistic take. Totally agree. But still a little dark lol

Iā€™m looking at their io score. Nothing else in the game means anything to me

I donā€™t think I see any of the rewards as a mark of prestige. At best, theyā€™re a ā€œyou had to be thereā€ but as something to respect? Ehhh.

I have all of the Legion mage tower weapon skins but that feels like a mark of shame for myself nowadays. I canā€™t even bring myself to use them because if someone asked me where to get them, Iā€™d feel bad having to tell them theyā€™re no longer available.

None although I do appreciate a really good, rare mount. Especially if itā€™s a cat mount.

But otherwise, none.

I donā€™t listen to the devs when they do their interviews, especially when theyā€™re higher up in management because theyā€™re going to always give a diplomatic answer to the questions asked and half the time what they say changes later on so I donā€™t see the point in wasting my time listening to something that most likely isnā€™t going to happen.

But thatā€™s me.

I donā€™t consider things in a computer game to be prestigious. I do like things that are cute and funny.

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MY hunter has the olympics tabbard still somewhere and my spirit of competition pet and I covet them very much.

To answer your question: no, I couldnā€™t give a gram of a motherf$%@ what other players do or get.

All that matters to me is that that brand new Wrathful Gladiator, with his brand new Spectral Tiger, in his shiny new old school Mage Tower drip doesnā€™t brick my key.

Thatā€™s quite literally the only thing that matters to me in this worldā€¦ of Warcraft


That setup screams ā€œim gonna brick your keyā€

Took me near 20 hours, but I finally got it. My bad.

Crispy Southern Fried Chicken Recipe Without Buttermilk
Buffalo sauce or hot sauce
Whole chicken cut up into parts (or 8 pieces of your favorite parts)
Kosher salt
Black Pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Self-rising flour
Peanut oil for frying

  1. Preheat oil temperature to 350Ā°F. I used a deep fryer, you can also use a heavy-bottomed skillet or dutch oven with at least 3 inches of oil up the sides of the pan. DO NOT OVERFILL YOUR PAN.

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, water, and buffalo sauce. Set aside.

  3. Season chicken on all sides with salt, 5 cracks of pepper, garlic, and onion powders. Set aside.

  4. In a large bowl, mix the flour and remaining pepper together. Set aside.

  5. When the oil is heated, take the chicken piece by piece and dip it in the egg mixture.
    Let any excess egg fall off. Place chicken in the flour mixture and coat on all sides. Shaking off any excess flour.

  6. Slowly and carefully place the chicken in the hot oil, do not overcrowd the pan. You will need to do this in batches. Dark meat takes 13-14 minutes, white meat takes 8-10 minutes. If needed, turn the chicken halfway through for an even golden brown. Chicken is done when internal temperature reaches 165Ā°F degrees you will have a crispy crust and juicy meat.

  7. Place cooked chicken on a sheet tray topped with a wire rack, this will help keep the chicken crisp and not absorb excess oil. Sprinkle a little more kosher salt on top right out of the oil. Serve warm.

Yes transmogs.

Heā€™s referencing challenge mode mogs and pvp elite mogs.

They even asked a pool in the arena forums about making elite mogs return and it was an overwhelming no.

Iā€™ve earned a few rewards over the years, but I donā€™t really associate prestige with them. Mage tower skins, AOTC mounts, titles, I stop using them all, eventually. For AOTC stuff, I value the memory of achieving the rewards with friends more than the rewards, themselves.

The mage tower rewards felt accomplishing the first time I cleared each different scenario, but every other unlock was more of a FOMO feeling. Shammy I just did for the sake of completion, though. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™d ever feel FOMO for anything shammy-related.