Which Races for Warlock

So this Warlock started out as a Goblin when I made her back in Cata on Exodar. She became a Gnome at the end of MoP when I moved to Wyrmrest Accord. And then when I ended up moving back to Exodar, she became Undead because they’ve always been my favorite race. I’ve loved them since Warcraft 3. And I think the only classes I have that’re capable of being Undead that aren’t are my Death Knight and my Monk.

So I miiiiiiiiight be slightly biased, but I’m gonna say Undead. Plus, this mog I threw together when Transmog first got introduced still looks great. The only things that really change frequently are the weapons I use with it. Although I do think the Drape of Dracthyr Trials from Aberrus really makes it all fit together. All that said, this mog does also look fabulous on Goblins, Gnomes, and Vulpera.

Night Elves, of course. The red-eyed skin is quite appropriate.

Draenei for a variety of interesting eredar concepts. The man’ari skin if you want some corrupted look.

LFD for a holy inquisitor that bends demons to her will.

Void Elves are good, but I tend to prefer Shadow P.


This. I actually rolled a void elf warlock first and got her to 60 and was ready to start DF with her. But when I found out I could make a man’ari warlock (I was away from the game for a long time) I immediately made this toon, and then rolled a separate void elf shadow priest because it felt more natural.

A void elf spriest in void form is pretty effing cool. :slight_smile:


Blood or Void Elf are good

Draenei are cool

Vulpera are also really cool, when you realize they’re essentially kinda like WoW Kitsune.

Beyond that maybe an Affliction Worgen? Since Worgen are all about curses kinda sorta

Man, if the Highmountain ever got the Feltotem look as an option… I’d be a baller looking Tauren Warlock.


Personally I like the Nelf choice. Largely because of Shadowmeld.

My top choice, Night Elf (particularly female). I just love the look of the race. Always have.
Good alternatives:
Void Elf

Undead male horde side for sure. The opening cinematic with the undead warlock just sold me.
Good alternatives:
Blood Elf

Lightforged Draenei.


Well, the lore doesn’t really matter much these days, but still… In my opinion the class makes the most sense for:

Undead, Orcs, Worgen, Blood & Void Elves, Goblins and humans I guess. Just fits them well. :dracthyr_shrug:

Am I too sexy for you?
Na. I am Vulpera.
Be nice or I will zap you. :zap:

/waggle (build up static) :zap:
/waggle (build up static) :zap:

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Dwarves apparently make the best warlocks since Demo is the current warlock meta.

I’ve been a orc, troll, gnome, mechagnome, void elf, & night elf.

Depends on the spec: Forsaken for Affliction

Eredar for Demonology

DID for Destruction

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My first ever character was an Male Undead Aff.

Outside this character, I don’t think I’ve ever gelled with a character as well in any game ever.

All thanks to that OG cinematic with the Undead Lock using Hellfire.

So to the OP… I will always be biased towards Undead for Warlocks Horde side, regardless of spec.

For Alliance… Kinda hard to beat Draenei/Man’ari skin. They are the true OG Warlocks.


They also just look really cool, which is the most important thing

Waiting on that Knaifu mog next expansion for my shadow priest. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

For the racials:

Orc (demonology)
Void elf (any of the specs)

For looks, I like undead or void elves.

What’s DID?

To the OP: the Void Elf racial is good for casters.

Dark Iron Dwarf

Oh yeah. Thanks for the clarification.

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Destro Vulpera to avenge all the burned caravans.

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