Which Races for Warlock

Which races make the best Warlocks?
Idc your reasons it could be animations, looks, race abilities etc
I have a lot of 70’s but not a Warlock yet so trying to decide on one.

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IMO I LOVE the look of the new RED Draenei


That is a good idea I didn’t even think of that. Definitely going to consider it.

My Warlocks are a Pandaren for Horde and Draenei (with red skin tone, of course) for the Alliance.


You can make them look really eredar ish with the fire horn helm mog and leaving the hooves exposed and slap the dragon wings on their back.


Draenei for sure. Totally fits in perfectly with the lore too given they were forced to run from their planet, chased across the galaxy, and nearly driven to extinction by orcs who got roid ragey by drinking demon blood for power too.

Plus the race has incredibly affinity with the light which, as we all know, closely allies itself with both fel and necromantic magic.

Edit - Of course the lightforged space goats are also an acceptable option. I mean they are LITERALLY sworn to the light and their entire essence/being is infused with the light which, as previously stated, absolutely canonically LOVES fel/demon and necromantic magic.


100m. They have that flame step speed thing. But stay away from the marathon, it will kill you.



I dunno, I’m partial to Gnomes.

Why? I mean, there’s something about the main spell you use being bigger than the character. A Chaos Bolt and a Gnome about about the same size.

Imagine the eyebrow searing fun it must be to launch to those up the nostrils of big meanie monsters!


I have always had this character as my main character but since Warlocks for all came along I’ve come to really enjoy Tauren Warlock, Zandalari Troll Warlock, Lightforged Draenei Warlock and Kul Tiran Warlock, legit only Warlock races I’ve found personally I don’t enjoy playing are Gnomes, Mechagnomes and Void Elves.


Void elves for obvious reasons. And their racials are good for casters.

Draenei with red skin for obvious reasons.

Orc or undead for horde. Thematically appropriate.

Lightforged draenei for the lols


Which all started with KilJaeden and Archimonde siding with Sargeras and becoming warlocks, so it fits in perfectly with their lore that they would never become warlocks themselves, since the last time that happened they lost almost everything.

The only way to get the wings is if you bought the epic edition of DF right? I went with the middle tier one back when it released and missed out on them.

Blood Elves make the best warlocks. In fact we make the best anything we are allowed to be.


I personally like races that don’t make any lore sense like HMT or LFD. Nelf is a good option too.

I know hence why it so toooooooooooooooootally fits. Except for the fact, you know, you are a Draenei raised up in the incredibly small subset of space goats left from the near extinction event and, as a culture, would be vehemently opposed to anything/one even remotely on the side of demons logically.

But who cares about that dopey lore stuff anyway. That space goat self heal is the bees knees


-Draenei with the Man’ari skin

-Orc (with hunched posture) for the Gul’dan look


I don’t base my class choice on racial abilities, just the aesthetic.


I honestly do not remember, sorry.

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Yes, the dragon wings back transmog were from the Epic Edition of DF.


Lore changes and expands. Draenei warlocks could be seen as the children of Argus that were not given a choice. Now that they have a choice they are siding with the Draenei and the Draenei are trying to give them a chance. Given what happened with Velen’s son this is a pretty logical take and does not ignore or rewrite lore.

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Damn and there doesn’t seem to be a way to upgrade you used to be able to go back and upgrade older expansions and get the stuff you missed.