Which Races for Warlock

Nightborne have the dark and mysterious look that goes well with Warlocks (including tattoos).
Also, glowing fingers!

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Draenei warlocks are great, idc about all this talk about how it’s against the lore for the player character to be a draenei warlock or whatever; that’s their business, and if lore neckbeards don’t like it they can make their warlock something else

I changed mine from a dark iron dwarf to a pandaren because I just really like the food racial

Orc. Always orc.

But also Gift of the Naaru is a powerful heal that I love having access to as well. 'cause - sometimes I forget to make cookies. >.>

Void elf.
I mean you are summoning a voidwalker from your own land right.
Also no interruption on spell cast, kind of nice perk

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For power? Dwarf (regular) or Human. Historically the best DPS racials for locks combined with the strongest utility. Night Elves are a viable choice if you like M+ purely for Shadowmeld.

If you have to be Horde, Tauren have the same racial as Dwarves, but worse utility since Stomp isn’t nearly as good as Stoneform. Orcs are pretty good for extra pet damage but their racial is a flat bonus which falls off. Trolls are pretty good when the meta favours burst damage due to Berserking stacking very well with our pet CD’s.

For looks? Humans are always a classic, they wear armour well and they have decent animations.

Undead are basically the Hordes equivalent of Humans, they wear Cloth well and have good animations.

Draenei, specifically the Eredar customization is a welcome inclusion.

Blood Elves and Void Elves are basic but fine.

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