Which Races for Warlock

The answer is always tauren.


All races make sense lore wise because anyone can fall to the temptation of unlimited power.


Ahemm… :smiling_face:

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This is an example of what they could look like, I didnt have a warlock but I changed my mage to red Draenei and love the look! The Torghast transmogs also look good on them.

If you have the patience for it, the Zealous Felslinger set from Argus rares is another great transmog for an Eredar


Marathon runners hate this one trick: Warlock summoning stone


So for looks reasons I really like Orc.

Not sure why… just feels good to me when I see it?

for class/race reasons and stat stacking and such I’d choose Void Elf. Nice to have the no knockback on spell casts when hit.

For story reasons I really like Night Elf or Kul’tiran.

Nose for trouble is an often underestimated amount of damage simply negated (5% of total health for first hit typically means the first hit of every mob that isn’t a boss or very strong elite is simply absorbed, which adds up to a significant amount of damage over a playthrough. Also if in somewhere where you have to be on the ground, means the first and typically only hit mobs being run by that dismounts gets absorbed, so drastically less getting dismounted)

Make Camp is wonderful, a hearth able to be set anywhere outside is always useful, for example:

  • farming a certain old raid/dungeon or rare mob? Set a camp by it
  • Have a certain area you frequent but don’t want to set your hearth to there? (Tuskarr village for the pot while it was still needed for instance), set a camp by it.
  • Need to go back to town to sell, use the bank or AH, or what have you but not interrupt questing? Set a camp, hearth and do stuff, then return to camp
  • Need a instant logout rested zone anywhere? Set a camp and logout

Will rarely be a time playing that a custom hearth spot won’t come in handy, is probably my favorite & most versatile for me racial in the game.

Also armor looks surprisingly good on them for a small race.

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Void elf in pvp for the teleport. Pve doesn’t matter.


Red draenei
Vulpera look great as anything
Tauren with the right customization look very menacing



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Ok joking aside, tauren have pretty decent racials. Crit damage and healing increased, a stun and higher hps.

Plus a hidden racial that makes male human paladins burst into tears because their lore was ruined.


Have you done Highmountain Tauren Warlock yet?

I haven’t just normal Tauren but I totally want to like it’s the next race to make on my Warlock list.



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I really enjoy my roster being mostly tauren. Man I can’t wait until we get paladins.


One of my best friends is waiting for Demon Hunter since I got Warlock he’s always like why is this being delayed I want my Demon Hunter Tauren so I can get rid of the Blood Elf one and I’m always like hopefully soon, hopefully soon because legit hopefully soon.

I’m still a bit confused by the pretty rapid roll out of race/class combos because it was nice but now it’s completely stopped and it’s lame due to there still being Druids, Shamans, Paladins and Demon Hunters that need to be rolled out.


The only race should be Dranei. Either Plain or Lightforged. Just don’t be a red one. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

Like I always say about ogres…

I will race change my DH to a tauren and HMT so fast my credit card will catch on fire.

Do et, Blizzard.


Draenei cause of their heal racial and also because they look amazing as demon looking beings like the red skin.

Void Elves are also amazing due to their racials and aesthetic not to mention how they look.

After them, Orcs, are great and look okay same with Zandalari trolls and Blood Elves. Your choice!


How in the hell did that name get past the filters? ROFL damn.