Read what you said here again. But this time… slowly.
If you need help, here’s a clarification of what you just said means: “Models with variations aren’t customisable.”
… are you sure that this is what you actually meant to say? Because you sound exceedingly silly to have said that.
Any answer that is not ogres is a wrong answer, dont @ me
That is literally what they are and blood elves are the real high elves, they are right now, in the high elf land, in the high elf kingdom, with the high elf people, under another name.
They are not recolored blood elves, they are the exact same colored as blood elves, literally the same race with another name.
The daytona 500 is the race i wanna see next, but seriously , I think making Vulpera neutral so Ally can play is a good idea.
You have 3 kinds of elves already, so I dont understand the high elf baloney. Make a club for elves and call yourselves high elves if it makes your canoe float.
I don’t really care what race they implement so long as they don’t have racials that suck. Blizzard have been far too unambitious with racials and basically the only half-decent ones they’ve added on ANY new race, AR or otherwise have been Mechagnomes and Dracthyr.
(I guess you could count Blood Elf since they’ve had to be nerfed twice, but they launched with crappy racials so that’s what I count)
I said exactly what I meant. Having an assortment of different models is not the same thing as being able to interact with the system to customize playable models.
Vrykul have customizable models.
Ethereals have stock models that come in a few varieties.
Only a fool would ever make a claim that the updated Ethereal models are “stock models in a few varieties.”
You ought to actually look at the articles that people present before dismissing them in the fashion you are doing right now. But if you want a very simple answer to demonstrate that these are models designed to wear gear and be customizable, here’s Phase Thief Azir from the article:
The glove in the first set, that’s a model that’s available to use by players. This means that these rigs are built to equip gear, not merely just have customization options in the way that Dracthyrs can use gear as customization options.
Compare the second and third set of pictures with the knowledge that these are meant to be able to equip gear. They have smaller changes that aren’t typical of “varieties” within models but are more akin to the changes that are typical of playable races.
The head bandages.
Front and back bandages.
Leg bandages.
Particle effects.
And this is just looking at one NPC’s filenames, and ignoring all of the unnamed ones. Not to mention that ethereals are going to be an important race in either TWW or Midnight. Because of the central position The Locus Walker has received for this trilogy as well as that connection to the Void and Alleria.
These aren’t stock models, they are customizable models able to equip gear, and with several potential points at which they might join our factions. That’s a strong indication that they’ll become playable. But you are right about one thing…
Correct. Ethereals have a reason to join a playable faction, whereas Vrykuls largely does not. If they would’ve … that would’ve happened back during Legion.
For them to join any faction at this point a lot of lore would have to be made in order to justify it. Although it is possible for it to happen, but likely that would happen if at all only in conjunction of when we deal with Odyn. Which right now seems like it could be some time from now.
The High Elves are a race, the Highborne were the elven nobles. The high elves called themselves that because they are descended from those nobles but over time did in fact change into a distinct race in the same way nightborn are different from night elves.
A race that dwindled and are all but extinct. It would be like trying to create a race based on Yoda, when the only survivor we really know about is Grogu. Not really possible according to lore to have thousands of “High Elves” or Highbourne show up out of nowhere. Would need a WHOLE AU timeline where they are dragged to Azeroth when their own Sunwell explodes and throws them through time. We had an AU with WoD. Do we really want another one just to get more elves? We have 4 sets already, and now pointy ear half elf humans. I say find a Belf or Velf skin that suits your needs, download TRP3 addon, and set your race to Highbourne.