I already addressed this, so… to quote you again: nice try.
I have previously in another post addressed this, so you get the post where I mentioned it. Nightborne as they were created initially weren’t supposed to be a playable race, but with the introduction of Allied Races, they remade them so they could be that.
Without the more basic races that fit well into the story to become playable races, we wouldn’t get more unique races. Take it or leave it, I don’t care. That’s the objective reality that you are currently trying to argue isn’t real. That’s why I’m saying you are arguing in bad faith - because no matter how much you want to argue otherwise, these are allied races. Not merely just cosmetic changes.
Like it or not, doesn’t matter. Even the most bad faith argument is still defeated by pointing out what Blizzard have used Allied Races for in terms of what they have created with it.