I play humans, I don’t care if we get high elves or not lol that said those points can apply to void elves, we also seem to randomly get groups of high elves who just show up and mill about. I was just clarifying the difference between the elf nobles and the high elves, beyond that it’s blizz’s choice what they do or do not do I’ll just be over here playing my humans as always.
We aren’t even noble champions. We still sift through poop for quests. Can’t imagine they will make us noble elves.
I don’t agree with Gnolls not being intelligent enough for a playable race. Ever since vanilla we’ve seen Gnolls being pirates or working for Venture co, some even being overseers. There is also Sayge and his obviously highly intelligent.
Probably still smarter than Windrunner sisters. Sooo…
Ethereal, Naga, Satyr, Vrykul and maybe even Nathrezim would be the most unique “new” races.
I want the Arakkoa and Naga race options.
No, it’s a difference of political ideology. Blood Elves are just the High Elves who took that title (Sin’dorei) to honor all of those lost in the 3rd War and the Scourge assault of Quel’Thelas and who remained loyal to Quel’Thalas after they left the Alliance.
It could be argued that the Nightborne are somewhat of a separate race at this point, but even that is a stretch since there were purple and blue Highborne (Azshara and the entire population of her city before N’Zoth transformed her and them into the Naga for example). Heck, Night Elves even have the options for “conventional” High Elf colorations at character creation.
They are literally all the same race of elves. The differences between the elves are all literally skin tone/cosmetic and philosophical/political.
They’re inventing races out of whole cloth now, which is not IMMEDIATELY a bad thing, but they’re totally ignoring races with long storied histories in WOW that players have been BEGGING for.
Ogres. Naga. Centaur. Heck even work in some smart Quillboar and even the Kobolds have a functional society with a backstory which gives us a way of having them as a playable race.
The minute they release ogres is the moment this lock gets race changed to one.
Ogres for the horde!
The elves are starting to camouflage their high elf threads. They’re learning…
Ogres for the Horde, Furbolg for the Alliance.
The Haronir are the only new key race introduced by TWW. And they aren’t playable yet because we haven’t really gotten more than a surface introduction to them. The Earthen have existed since the beginning of Warcraft, as have the Nerubians.
Yes all of these races have functional societies. The thing is, the way those societies work is currently in direct opposition to working with and along side the societies the player is a part of.
The ogres are generally still bad guys who enslave anything and anyone they come across. Exception being those in Ogri’la, who wouldn’t really have any interest in the Alliance/Horde politics. There’s no way anyone would be interested in allying with the Naga currently, especially not with Azshara set to return again as a baddie. The DF centaur are still dealing with their own internal warring factions. And as I mentioned previously, the Quillboar are entirely dedicated to safeguarding and empowering the thorn dens due to their religious beliefs (which include feeding the thorns with the blood of sacrificed non-Quillboar). Kobolds were only recently opened up as a possibility thanks to progression of the narrative in the current expansion.
Until you craft an actual narrative reason that makes sense within the established world of the game, don’t expect new races to just be flipped on with zero justification. It’s like the Death Knights and Demon Hunters as class choices. They’ve been a part of Warcraft for decades, but they weren’t made playable until we got to a point narratively that it made sense for them to be brought into the playable fold. Same with the Blood Elves, the Draenei, the Pandaren, the Mag’har Orcs, the Blackrock and Wildhammer Dwarves, etc.
I’m all for expanding the playable race selection. But it has to be done in a way that makes sense to the overall narrative and at the right time in that narrative.
That is not an issue, they are the writers, they can, you know, just writte that they dont work in opposition
This is an argument derived from the conclusion of the events, like its the only option.
By example, remove harronir, entirely, replace by any other race that are more less know/have connection to nature, it would work the same.
Change then by dark trolls, you got the same history, they will have the same quirks and thematic. You get to use already existing races, fleshing out their lore, and you dont bloat your world with countless of races you will never use.
Change centaurs in DF to Ogres, change tuskar to vrykul, would end the same and you could make then playable. Use drakonid instead of making up dracthyr for DF storyline.
woW have a HUGE, HUMONGOUS problem with worldbuilding, shoving new races with nothing unique, recolors, remodel, only make it worse, especially when they become playable, with so many crap shoved in the factions, and neutral ones at that, there is no time, effort of desire to make stories for then or related to then, and it was something
we used to have, a racepool was smaller they mattered more. Just look how pandarens are stopped in time since MOP, only showing up for a meme or to be a token, same will happen with the dumb drachtyr and earthen
The Stonemaul clan is in the Horde. Have been since the Founding of Durotar campaign. They are the perfect avenue for playable Ogres.
This would be half elves, not high elves btw. High elf people don’t want this, and blood elf people don’t want high elf people getting high elves at all, in any capacity. Probably shouldn’t go on and on about high elves though because this topic always turns into a cesspool of back-and-forth vitriol.
Anyway, if I wanted a brand-new race model in the game, I’d want probably furbolgs or ethereals. The new furbolg models are really cool and I’ve loved the race since forever. The ethereals actually are getting a new model that I believe was data-mined recently. Could see them actually being added to the game.
Omg furbolg shaman would be so amazing. And furbolg druids could stay in their furbolg form when going into bear form. I’m fan-girling.
To be fair, it is possible… I mean the Ogres from WoD, Zandalari, etc… were all enemies of the Horde and Alliance both, but the Horde has never really had a problem with “evil” races, just look at all the stuff Forsaken, Trolls in general, and specifically the Zandalari have done.
When I say what Zul and the Zandalari, including Rastakhan, have done…I mean twice allying with the Mogu to attempt world domination both in MoP AND BFA, and yes, Rastakhan both times unknowingly put his seal to these efforts by Zul. Supposedly they don’t like slavery, but their caste system IS a lowkey form of slavery, because they force you into a role that you have zero way to get out of. Weren’t born with the ability to be a Priest/ess to a divinely worshipped Loa or born into nobility/royalty? Yeet to manual labor!
Zandalari were kill on sight prior to BFA and Sylvanas finally just going all out tyrant, the Horde has had an identity crisis since Cata if not sooner, where the writers and half the players Hordeside want them to be misunderstood misfits, whereas the other half of the playerbase and the actual written story paints them as monsters, not literal monsters cause of the races themselves, but metaphorically much of what the founding races do IS a warcrime, even by the Horde’s own rules and standards.
Without forgetting the Dunemaul clan and the Stonemaul Ogres from WoD being a part of the Horde too.
Murlocs both factions.
Only if they are Horde since Alliance have werewolves.
The snake people from BFA.
As someone said above: ogres have been members of the horde for quite a long time. The Stonemaul clan joined before WoW began and Dunemaul allied and joined during WoD (alongside the Mag’Har orcs)!
In short: ogres for the horde!
Ethereals would be peak for me