This is the correct answer. For Alliance please.
I’d take Vrykul too, but snek bois first.
This is the correct answer. For Alliance please.
I’d take Vrykul too, but snek bois first.
Ogres can be possible these days compared to back to 2004 when they were almost playable till a last minute change by the developers back then.
Ogres can use the concept of the dreanei when it comes to both the male and female modles as it’s the only race in the game that both types don’t use the same shape.
They can use the current ogre shape for the Males (body type 1) and create a slimer form for Females (body type 2). They can create lore the society where both genders live in different ways (and it would explain why we have never seen female ogres in the first place).
There are no female ogres. They dont reproduce that way. Why do you think some of them have two heads? It’s mitosis.
Saberon and Drakonids. Either faction would be fine.
Vrykul for the Horde, Naga for the Ally
We need more dwarves. Swamp dwarves, desert dwarves, jungle dwarves, crystal dwarves, space dwarves, orange dwarves, spider dwarves, elf dwarves…
Ok seriously, I’d like to see drakonids. All 3 body types please.
Vrykul. It’s time
Those aren’t customizable models, they’re just stock models with slightly more variation than they previously had.
Belves druids and shamans please,
and then you can do whatever you want.
What a cop out. Give me Ogre ladies that look like ogres.
Sea Elves. Snow Elves
Sea elves are just Naga.
So yeah I approve.
Taunka. They were supposed to come in during Cata time period. They joined the Horde but Blizz began to change out the dev team right around then so they didnt go through with that plan.
Horde got goofy foxes instead. Ethereals. but that is too much fun. So wont happen. Shoulda happened when BFA came out. Sethlak. Be cool.
Blizzard will never put in ogres. That really sucks.
I swear the “Alliance-Only-High-Elves” crowd have this brilliant gift of making up lore on whims at their leisure and then vehemently insist it as truth & gaslighting any who point out the lies or faults. lol
High Elves on the Alliance that are disconnected from Quel’Thalas society are regarded as “an all but extinct race” in lore → if you want Half Elves, with a unique model? State that.
Don’t try argue that: “They’re High Elves, but oh no they’re actually not – but lets just call them that anyway” – Because it’s disingenuous.
let me just flip though the pages of races we have wantted for years
narga (both? can be the splinter group that were with demon hunters in legoin)- one of the most weantted. for its tail/let slot just make it like a legging/sock and the boot on the tip (or no boot like trolls) - or just make it naked from the tail down
orgers (horde) - we already got stuff like /dance. also just make the amour like how its on pandas or no amour like on the dragons. i cnan see the 2 headed ones having fun /joke and /flirt (fighting with each other, ect). also transmogging 2 helms!!! yes plz!! also can also be a big race. we got to many tiny ones
vrykul - (alliance) - GIVE US BIG RACES!!! who give a toss about doorways
Hozen and Jinyu (horde and alliance) = WHY THE F WASNT THIS A THING BACK IN MISTS!!! sure pandas came out but they could of been a mid/late expansion unlock or something…
i just wanna ook someone i nthe dooker…
murlocs - (both) - we got the toy already. just make the playable for sh*** and giggles
Ascended Nerubians - (both). i can see them turning into the beetles when in tank spec and the legged ones for healing. a bit like that one end boss
Gnolls would also be cool
for naga with legs just use the visage tech to let them have legs when on land
This will never happen, but I want a skrunkly race.
Furbolg, Murloc, Kobold, Gnoll, Quillboar, etc.
Furbolgs, Broken, and Turts.
hell no!!!
we know how they move on land, just keep it like that
I was genuinely surprised we didn’t get centaur after they refurbished the race for dragonflight.