Which Path Did You Take?

Golden canon from RotLK was she “hated them with the same passion the Legion had had.” It actually makes it sparkling clear where the whole Teldrassil idea was coming from.

“As for Archimonde…so mighty that he had been able to destroy Dalaran, the great mage city, with a single spell, he had fallen to the power of the life he had come here to consume. Sylvanas now hated the living with the same passion the Legion had had, and thus it was with mixed feelings that she learned of his fall.”

This dropped in 2009 and fits the bill of “Can’t I [kill hope]” better than anything Pine or Metzen wrote prior or Kosak wrote after. Hell, better than a lot of A Good War.


Treng: Forsaken fans who are worried about the core themes of being forced to be undead slaves might be worried about forcing even momentary undeath on people to find out if they’re willing. It’d be cleaner to just keep reviving the same Forsaken who actually want to be undead, but with cooldowns to simulate the death and birth cycle other races have so that the Forsaken don’t overwhelm people by immediately raising forsaken soldiers the second they die.

Ren: I’m secretly mad at you for the other thread, but I’m going to hide it by saying you’re judging who is a true forsaken fan and who isn’t.

Treng: I’m not though, I’m just talking about a specific section of forsaken fans.

Ren: you are tho

This shouldn’t need to be pointed out. The video fully describes what’s going on. Kain points out that Raziel is hiding behind a false argument of morality when really the only reason Raziel has decided to pursue Kain was revenge.

It’d be cleaner if the dead spontaneously mysteriously rose from the piles in Tirisfal as they did in Vanilla, which the new Lich King and/or the sundered Crown should by all rights have been able to facilitate. The current situation is still inducting new Forsaken as conscripts from the bombing of Southshore in 2010, unless they’re elves who died in BFA.

I love when you tell me what I’m allegedly thinking /s
What are you smoking tonight? what other thread am I supposed to be mad about?

This shouldn’t need to be pointed out. The video fully describes what’s going on. Kain points out that Raziel is hiding behind a false argument of morality when really the only reason Raziel has decided to pursue Kain was revenge.

using my favorite game to make a point is a pretty good power move, but now I 100% think you are secretly in love with me. I’m flattered but not interested Treng.

Yeah, but Blizzard doesn’t care about the Horde or the Forsaken overmuch. Your main storybeats have been “We praise Sylvanas” and “we need to find a legitimate way to reproduce or we’re inevitably going to be wittled down to nothing.”

Blizzard resolved neither of these problems during THE death expansion.

I’m not humoring the rest of your disguised post, but to dissuade any idea that this was some special targeted hit based on me knowing a Literal Who’s gaming preferences:


I mean they tore Sylvanas out of the Forsaken, color-coded her as Alliance, and had her literally renounce her ties to the Horde’s factions in favor of her Windrunner heritage, so I guess they did see that particular plot thread to… a conclusion. A terrible conclusion, but still. We got our first look at the post-Sylvanas Forsaken in 9.2.5 and they seem thoroughly over her.


In three years we’ll kill evil actually remotely self-interested Belmont for not wanting to immediately cede land to a hostile superpower, even though Arthas’ absentee sister made puppy dog eyes and said she wanted to help.

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Writing’s on the wall.

I’ve always viewed the Horde from the perspective of either Blood Elves or Forsaken, and both of these groups tend to be radical pragmatists — it simply wouldn’t be practical to intentionally align with the weaker members of a coalition, in opposition to the stronger member (particularly when the allegiance of said stronger member is the only thing preventing your neighbors from occupying your lands).

Through that sort of lens, it is less about supporting Garrosh as an individual and more about supporting Orgrimmar as a geopolitical strategy — and while Sylvanas’ decisions are morally questionable, in many instances, they’re at least tolerable from a tactical standpoint (from the perspective of a Blood Elf or Forsaken, exclusively). She has my support up to the point that she abandons her station.

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It’s really obvious you’re targeting Ren and going after her. You attacked her in another thread and now you’re doing so here. You’ve been collecting information on her which is why you randomly used her favorite video game to prove a point, and even though you posted “evidence” trying to disprove that, you have never mentioned Legacy Of Kain in any other post except to use as a very specific point against Ren. Are you trying to neg her or something? Harassing women does not get them to like you.

You’ve really been outting yourself recently. You’ve got the attitude of a woman hater and a bad sense of entitlement. No wonder why you hate Night Elves. You’re an incel. You can’t get women so you take your anger out on a video game forum.



She digs for fights where none are being offered. I flat out said “these are two groups that together are one group” and she keeps on about gatekeeping who a real forsaken fan is. The point isn’t “only one type of person is a forsaken fan.”

The point is “people who like the cornerstone free will thing probably don’t want to raise random people, so here’s an idea that solves everyone’s issues.”

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She doesn’t like you, you know this and yet you keep making posts directed to her in threads. You’re targeting her.

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It was a simple friendly conversation until she decided to make it ornery.
She’s 100% welcome to put me on ignore.

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No conversation with you on these forums is friendly. You are constantly antagonizing people.

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Or you know, you could and probably should stop directly responding to people who clearly don’t like you. You’re the most annoying and antagonistic person on this forum, and there’s been some really hella toxic people who used to post here.

That and you have this habit of thinking you’re making a point, without actually saying anything relevant.

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Yeah, but at least he isn’t running around trying to convert everyone into a Worgen. Unlike the forsaken, who routinely force their fate on others. :wolf:


I would love to have the conversation about Forsaken free will, just not with Dreadmoore lol.

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I’m always up for that conversation. I like the forsaken, and their history and place in the world is something worth discussing :stuck_out_tongue:


I just don’t know where the new Forsaken will go now that Sylvanas is out of the picture. Both the Horde and the Forsaken seem to be neutered to me. I don’t know how they are going to rectify this for the other 2/3rds of the Horde who didn’t choose this path.