Which Path Did You Take?

Peace is boring anyway, after retaking some homelands all the fighting should just be BGs and skirmishes. Nothing more.
These people can’t tell a highstakes war story, so they shouldn’t do it.

Tell that to the orcs, the Old Horde and the so called “honor Horde”

The orcs were never honorable. Even the hypocrit Saurfang admits that in the end

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we agree on that 100% That was one of the things Sylvanas pointed out. Saurfang had zero qualms about attacking Teldrassil, he planned the attack. He knew he was going to kill innocent Night Elves in the siege, he justified it that this was a cost of war.

The loyalists were the ones pointing out that Saurfang’s concept of honor was highly arbitrary based on orcish honor code that didn’t apply to more than 10% of the Horde.

I have a question for people who chose the ‘Honor Horde.’ when Saurfang said “I hope one day you understand the difference between Loyalty and honor” did that not strike you as odd since his arc started out as following bad orc warchief after bad orc warchief and then even in the end he only prioritized his own idea of ‘honor’ ie; dying in battle against a hated enemy. At the end of the day would you have given your life for his concept of honor? and how does that make you any different in blind loyalty than Sylvanas loyalists? (okay so maybe that was more like three questions)

I think the people who chose not to side with either were the ones who understood not falling for blind loyalty.


The common denominator between the corruption of the orcs of Draenor, and the humans of Lordaeron (undead… or otherwise), and the elves of Azshara’s empire, is the Burning Legion. Other people have tried to tack onto that since, but that’s my read of Metzen’s story.



Gestures vaugly at Stormhiem

Genn can be a pest too.

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I’m sorry Amadis, i was wrong. Thank you for pointing that out :+1:

I would rather get your replies from you than from Dreadmoore and Smallz. I am interested in how you weigh in from the NE perspective.

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It is crazy that they were still there. I haven’t leveled my Blood Elf this expansion yet, though do have her exalted with Silvermoon, so I am curious to see if the Night Elves are still there with the new Blood Elf quests that came in 9.2.5.

They weren’t sabotaging the Sanctums. The Blood Elves determined that they themselves were overloading them. The Night Elves were only spying on the Blood Elves, though the Blood Elves never figure out why and Blizzard has never given an answer for it, either.

I suspect they were spying on the Sunwell, and I think that’s relevant. They did not want it to be created after all, and it did exactly what they didn’t want to happen, it lured Kil’jaeden. He was using it like an arcane hot tub.

I will admit that wasn’t the Bloodelves best moment, but we reclaimed the Sunwell and kicked the fel addiction and since then the NE have left us mostly well enough alone. (except for that one time Tyrande played pursecutor in a fake trial and tried to sentence us all to death, that was a fun trip)

They did send in prospector anvilward though and I have no regrets taking his head.

I think the best connection would be this quest from Classic:

    Foolish blood elves toil with demonic magic. Have they not witnessed what happened with the naga and with the satyrs of Kalimdor?

    I fear that the blood elves will meet a similar deformation. Azeroth cannot afford to give birth to another vile race of monsters.

    I wish to study the brain stems of the satyr and naga so that I might deduce what fate the elves are headed toward.

    Once I have enough samples to study, my true work can begin. With the corrupted brain stems of both the satyr and naga of Blackfathom Deeps I can try to draw a correlation between the mutations.

    Perhaps with that gained knowledge we can prevent the blood elves from delving deeper into deformity and evil.

We ultimately did see this happen with the Felblood Elves.


This is a little prejudice. I can see why the NE’s are generally seen as xenophobic.

Compare that to the Forsaken who are seen as actual monsters and this was just a bonfire waiting for a match.

Night Elves definitely did try to act as the world police for a while. Xenophobia was primarily a thing from Azshara and her Highborne rather than the playable Night Elves we got.


yes, Azshara was a lot like Garrosh, she thought the ‘lesser races’ didn’t deserve to exist.

But the Night Elves did turn away the Nightborne though, so it’s not a stretch to say at best the Night elves are cautious, but at worst they are predjudiced and that’s a fair assessment.

it would also be a fair assesment to say the Forsaken are at best survivalists and at worst psychopaths. So burning the tree therefore makes a lot of sense. (the Forsaken players should not react as shocked pickachu to the burning of Teldrassil)

Most of the blood elves we meet in Vanilla are less than savory, at least from a stereotypical lawful good type of outlook. BC is remembered as edgy for the original Blood Knights, but the one we meet in Stonetalon was straight up reporting to Jaedenar iirc.

yeah she was a whacko, ngl. She made Sylvanas seem tame by comparison, which again shows that Sylvanas isn’t an outlier in the Horde. No one in the Horde should be shocked by what she did. We let rando NPC’s act like that for years unchecked.

We were told to go kill night elves so we can chop down their trees. We have a PVP battleground centred around us doing this. lol. in Warsong Gulch we are the bad guys. (in PvP scenarios we are kinda the bad guys all the time)

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By no means am I saying the nelves didn’t quest for a satyr in their starting zone. It bit him in the tail in the end, but service to evil was treated as a lot more casual and mercenary throughout the original game.

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I doubt Sylvanas cared about that. She wasn’t born until generations after it happened. Though amusingly Hearthstone does have a What-If version of Sylvanas that was born before the War of the Ancients and was loyal to Azshara to the point of becoming a Naga, with the line of:

    Whatever our form, we will ssserve the true queen.

I agree, I think she wanted to ultimately get Stormwind like she outright says. she had to start by crushing the Alliance’s best, it’s a compliment really.

(I bought the current Hearthstone Tavern pass just to get the Tyrande and Sylvanas naga hero portraits and yes Amadis… yes!)

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With Kaldorei Vashj for Shaman, all the classes in Hearthstone except Warlock can have Elves in their their hero portrait, if we count that little Blood Elf girl getting an Illidan doll from Greatfather Winter Magni for Warrior.

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