Which Path Did You Take?

oh looks like Dreadmoore called in some buddies from the discord to help him out. he can’t fight his own battles lmao.

To this day, the lore hasn’t assigned a motive to the sentinel spies’ incursion into QT. All we know is they were in contact with the Alliance ambassador, engaged in a little hostile espionage, and got killed for trespassing. “They were investigating traces of fel” is a fair guess but nothing more.


The only person here I’m in touch with on Discord is Doness, who made it a point to find me in a Discord server I’ve never posted in prior to today.

you are wierd but you make me laugh. I like that. you have no ill will from me.

yeah its all very vague from start to finish.

You throw up an upboat every time someone decides to make this video game drama personal with me, so I find that difficult to believe.

look, I like good banter, you may just need to up your game, you had some hits and some misses.

I was gonna respond to this with my own take, but I don’t wanna derail the thread with my own biases :stuck_out_tongue: :wolf:

don’t worry I would spare you Micah, you can have all of Gilneas.

Sided with Vol’jin and had no interest in Horde during BFA. I did Vol’dun and that was it because desert zones are BIS.

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I was gonna say something far darker than that. :wolf:

throws down gloves

I don’t want to fight you… but if I have to… don’t hurt me too much.

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Hugs I don’t wanna fight honestly….but you know, Genn is right, if the alliance just murdered all the orcs after the second war, we wouldn’t have half the problems we have with the horde we do now.

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I feel sorry for Blizzard they had already lost their audience for their Horde faction war before it even started. Its impossible to please a group who wants to genocide the other faction and the other group who wants to have the same moral high ground.

it was never going to work.

that’s the spirit! in the end, we are all monsters!

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I did pick the worgen to play the monster race after all. Shame we never got that :stuck_out_tongue:

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well never say never. the old wolf still has bite.

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Seriously though. Think about it, really think about all the problems the alliance and horde have with each other.

The common denominator in all those problems is the orcs and their need to kill other people not like them. They’re the main obstacle to peace

And forsaken.

Well, yeah. That’s true.