Which Path Did You Take?

What are you referring to exactly? Because if anything Blizzard remains a hero factory. In fact, Kosak’s whole faction favoratism post all but codified what they wanted Warcraft to be.

And the remains of the Horde and Zandalari fleets as well.

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The new writing team is anti-MHP I can see them bringing down the Alliance a few pegs by making them the villians. Lightbound facists, the rise of the Scarlet Brotherhood hiding in plain sight among the Alliance.

Simple, the current state of WoW as a whole. The Alliance isn’t exactly that popular right now due to years of racials imbalances. I doubt Blizzard is in a particular hurry to have another faction war storyline and more importantly, I doubt they are interesting in pissing off the Alliance fans at the moment.

It’s about time some alliance leaders die or turn evil every other expansion. So y’all can understand what horde players have been going through for years now.

It’s only fair :wolf:

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And its about time a few Horde cities burn, if you are all about this “fairness” deal. Maybe turn the Valley of Spirits into a sludge pit for a few expansions or so.

Blow up a horde city, commit war crimes, then the story completely revolves around us and our faction identity and the next expansion is all about the redemption of our Alliance characters?
Wow don’t threaten me with a good time Micah. I might actually start playing retail again.

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Orgrimaar is ugly as hell anyway. Not like it’s a major loss

Then its a deal, we level 1/5 of Ogrimmar, burn down Bildgewater Harbor and the turn Tarren Mill into a worgen chew toy zone.

You would still find something to complain about. I doubt you or others actually want what you think you do

And I am not sure Horde fans will be particularly happy about the price of killing a few Alliance leaders.

We will cross that bridge when we get there. For now an Alliance themed BFA sounds like a jolly good time if they kept the same formula.

We only killed Nathanos and he wanted to die. If we wanted to be fair the Horde players can watch us kill our own leaders. They may have popcorn but they can’t bring their own.

Danuser said this faction war was far from over and we’d see ripples of it for years to come.

You assuming there has to be a price for blizz villian batting the alliance a few times, to even the playing field

Can you link me the specific quote?

Again, if the goal is “fairness” then yes there will be a “price”. Because it wouldn’t be “fair” to the Alliance we lose our leader while the Horde does not lose their bases like we did.

Do it before the goblins do…

Ya’ll are underestimating how the Horde is used to living in squallor. Some of us live in a sewer…

Sounds “homey” aka you can’t make it any worse. How about you come in and give us indoor plumbing, now that would be a real change from our mud huts.

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I didnt say anything about fairness. Blizz hasn’t been fair in the way they been treating the opposite faction. About time the alliance felt the same pain.

I mean, there is a reason I’m saving up to eventually transfer Micah from the alliance. It’s too pure and good of a faction to play

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And Jaina has never eaten an major Arcane entity’s core.

Oh I am hoping the goblins do it. To be fair to the Horde, they didn’t destroy the Park District, so I wouldn’t be interested in being the one to level the 1/5 of Ogrimmar, letting it be the goblins would just cherry on cake.

Shame the goblins never leveled stormwind with that big cannon in Azshara :stuck_out_tongue:

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