Which Path Did You Take?

I’m not sure how this is even relevant Amadis.

Alleria still doesn’t know how to fully control her powers, she has to use them sparingly so she won’t fall to complete void corruption.

That’s a liability not a flex.

Given Gallywix’s tech in BfA, the cannon would be more likely to blow itself up rather than anything else.

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True. It’s me mostly wishing Stormwind was a crater and y’all had to live in Gilneas, under your worgen overlords with Greymane as High King :stuck_out_tongue:

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But you just said you wanted to “even the playing field” and if that is the case, then I say we even it and get back the Horde for what they did to us.

Personally I see the Alliance more of a “Raynor” level of good. Sure, it will always be focused on the greater good of the world, but it still knows how to rob trains when the occasion calls for it.

Jaina studied arcane. Alleria studied void. Alleria was already opening void portals before eating the Naaru core. If years of study are your point, then what is relevant is the ages you brought up, not empowerment by significant entities.

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As in the alliance players getting the same treatment as horde players been getting for years. Loosing leaders and wars every other expansion. Knock y’all down a few pegs

Maybe “evening the playing field” is beating the Alliance until they too would be happy living in a sewer or a mud hut. That seems like equity to me.

And the Horde losing their town and cities. Again fair playing field right?

Stormwind was boring to have to hang out in during Cataclysm.

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Horde has lost enough. It’s time y’all lost a few leaders

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Theramore, Southshore, Anderhol, Ashenvale says otherwise. Time you lost a few of your cities.

Side note, why even both transferring Micah if you already have a Horde hunter?

Its interesting to have a conversation with individuals about fairness when they admit to being completely biased. How could you judge anything as fair when you don’t value both sides equally?

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Ashenvale is still Night Elf territory. And Theramore was a valid military target. Only Southshore and Andorhal were actual losses.

You know Smallioz, we don’t always see eye to eye but you can always count me for a good Horde verbal beatdown.

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I wish you luck.

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And Ashenvale was lost/had a good chunk of its civilian population killed.
Bildgewater is easily a “valid military target” considering that is where the goblins make Horde weapons.

You didn’t loose Ashenvale. Don’t start using your headcannon now

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The Horde went all the way to Darkshore in War of Thorns, yes the night elves temporarily lost Ashenvale and even now it became a “contested” territory again after BfA even though it was full Alliance after MoP.

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Simple question, are you or you not okay with the alliance loosing a few major and well known leaders?

I am pretty sure I made my position clear. If you want some of leaders to get the villain then I want the same curtesy of the Horde getting some of their cities nuked to oblivion.