Which Path Did You Take?

Pelagos also says the Maw will be defunct once all the souls are cleared out. Meaning she will eventually rejoin the living

She could’ve curb stomped me herself Idgaf. I’d say “Thank you.”

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Not really. I expect it will take as long as the Forsaken getting a new capital.

Except Pelagos also said her fate was Tyrande’s to decided, so who knows. Maybe we will get another judgement scenario once all of this is done. Or he ends up following Tyrande’s instructions to the letter. No new souls in the Maw but Sylvanas stays there.

I wouldn’t mind dying by a sexy elf lady :stuck_out_tongue:

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How is she going to stay in the Maw, when the Maw will cease to function? :eyes:

I dunno Zerde, it takes a while to grow a tree big enough to live in.

The Maw will still exist, it just wont get new souls and Sylvanas can stay in that Nightmare realm forever.

Last time it took less the 4 years for Teldrassil to grow.

Arthas deserved it too than. Can’t be hypocritical now Zerde

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Personally go for it and give Sylvanas the same fate as Arthas. Either both have them spend all of eternity damned in the Maw or have her poofed like Arthas.

I’d laugh if after she saves all those souls Pelagos sees the good in her and gives her another chance and she rejoins the Horde.

It seems like a lot of Horde players choose her Horde so I imagine in time she may be welcomed back.

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Alleria is at least a thousand years old, according to Brooks’ audio book.

But she got the full powers of the void in the Seat of The Triuverate dungeon in Legion. Canonically like a year ago…

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Somehow I doubt they will ever let her back into the Horde. I doubt they would particularly be happy with the message “genocide is A OK if you are sorry enough and do enough community service”.

Alleria has been studying the void/has had void powers for 500 years.

I followed her while she commited genocide and didn’t bat an eyelash like many other Horde. We don’t clutch our pearls like you do Zerde. If they do this right she can be back in an expansion or two.

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And we would be back into a faction war and possible the Horde getting the villain bat, but you do you. Hope you enjoy MoP season 3.

Also, if you have not notice, the Horde has slowly been losing some of their darker element. It is clear “Honor Horde” is the version Blizzard wants to end the Horde on.

The Alliance is getting the villian bat next. Shadows Rising already set up evil Turalyon and Alleria.

Alleria is scary evil. Way more evil than Sylvanas.

Assuming that is even the case(which with the loosening of the faction barrier might not be the case anymore) I actually expect they will both get the Sylvanas treatment and get out of it relatively unscathed.

Alleria more so.

Sylvanas was raising Horde and Alliance skeletons while having the field blighted. Of course many did not survive the battle.


After the devs saying they wanted to knock the Alliance down and break existing hero fantasies do you really believe that?

What makes you think the writers won’t continue to chip away at Alliance morale and high ground?