Which Path Did You Take?

I mean she(and her void elves) was able to precisely portal an entire Alliance army into Lordearon’s courtyard. Sounds like it would be enough.

Or it just a general statement about how many Alliance did die during the battle of Lordearon(not that many died from the explosion itself). As noted by the Alliance quest, Gelbin had gotten the majority of the forces out of the city proper to wait for Anduin’s command.

Honestly, this is one of those times I wish we had an Elegy/Good War short story because the shorts were a better presentation of what actually happened during the War of Thorns.

A lot of Alliance soldiers died at the Battle of Lordaeron. It was a heavy loss for the Alliance.

Pretty sure alot of Horde died as well. I would also say with the loss of the Undercity it made the Alliance efforts in the EK that much easier.

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Considering both sides were eventually forced to recruit civilians, the alliance didn’t have that much of an easier time.

And yet it still managed to drive out the Horde from Arathi proper, take back Southshore and ultimately the Horde is in as bad a shape, if not worse, then the Alliance at the end of BfA.

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Both sides were in really bad shape at the end of BfA. Why the rebels didn’t really want to siege Orgrimaar and have another long drawn out battle. It’s why Saurfang went with the Mak’gora instead

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The Horde was fighting eachother in a civil war and the Alliance

And Sylvanas still managed to lure the Alliance into another trap in the intro to Najatar! Where a good chuck of the Alliance fleet was wiped out.

And the Alliance, while not fighting each other was also not cooperating fully. I’d also point out her fighting the rebel/Alliance was near the end of the war and at that point she was no where near a point where she could realistically win.

Where she also destroyed her own remaining fleet. Thus making it impossible for her to win the war. The entire point of having fleets was to move the forces between the continent. So, she tricked both sides into wiping out their forces.

Not to mention no one could have reasonably expected her to be playing 4d chess with the Jailer. If anything, her win could be attributed to the Jailer and his dealings more then her own capabilities. And ultimately, all her plans and scheme were for nothing because she ended up not even getting whatever she wanted from the Jailer.

Logic dictates you’re right, but Anduin and Alleria claimed you’re wrong. According to them, the rebels and the Alliance were so utterly depleted of soldiers by BfA’s final act that Sylvanas, even with 90% of the Horde’s leadership opposing her, still inexplicably commanded the “strongest army”.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she got what she wanted. A new lease on life, a chance to redeem herself and we now have a new Arbiter who’s going to judge everyone fairly.


The reason for that was she was not killing Horde she was fighting against but the rebels were. She was setting free anyone who surrendered, that was part of the Loyalist story. Up until the final siege when she actually started killing deserters within the city, not sure if it actially got that far beyond an order before the Mok’gora

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Or as we learn from the Horde version, Anduin and Alleria were just wrong(an ingame prespective does not word of god make). As I recall the loyalist version has nathanos being forced to conscript soldier/was pretty desperate on their side as well.

Except those were not what she was after. Those were things she realized after the fact. In any case she will be forced to deal with a near eternity of hard labor.

Yes, Sylvanas actually won in the end. She got that part of her soul she was missing and a second chance.

That’s a win in my books.

What did the Alliance win in Shadowlands? A seed?


Well for one, all the souls Sylvanas unfairly sent to the Maw will now have to be saved by her and sent back. As for the seed, we already have a good guess that is going to be a new world tree home for the elves.

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Which will take as long as needed until Blizz needs to bring her out of retirement. And make no sense, she will be coming back eventually :wolf:

Assuming she does come back the only scenario I want is for us to march her straight back to Pelagos and sent her to whatever afterlife is next for her and as far away from us.

Heck, with any luck Sylvanas will get to experience the same tragedy the rest of the night elves did and find out Nathanos turned into the same wisp Arthas did. That would be the ironic end I’m hoping for her.

Pelagos only judges the dead. She’ll be serving the living for long time. And thank the gods Arthas went out like a wet fart. He got what he deserved

Remember that time she struck a bargain with Azshara to sink her own navy, ignorant “loyalist” PC included? The two ladies even had a good giggle about how “devoted” she was to her “subjects”.


Hoping Nathanos get the same curtesy.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: until the final soul is free, and you are all that remains.

That could simply mean once all the souls are freed Sylvanas will be left in the Maw alone, forever.

I have a strong feeling it will take just as much time to grow a new tree as it will take to save all the souls in the Maw.

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