Which Path Did You Take?

So uh
Calia lightbubbled through the blight.
Why couldn’t Anduin have done that?

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Blight is a lot different from holding up multi ton rocks with the light…and mind you, she barely made it out of the blight with her bubble

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The throneroom wasn’t caved in though.
You’ve been there very recently.

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Not right now it’s not. It was when Sylvanas…you know, blew it up.

And besides, it being clear NOW doesn’t mean Anduin is capable of holding up multi ton rocks with the light

Do you remember the scenario?
She blew up the undercity. That’s where all of the bombs were.
Sylvanas flew through the stone throneroom’s roof, but in her cutscene it was glass and was mondo funny.

A bunch of rocks fall and block the main entrance out of the throne room, while the blight pours in from all sides.

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They won’t stop Micah. They are all in denial and they will not accept that Sylvanas is smart and capable.

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You’se right, I rewatched the cutscene.
That makes it even more ridiculous. The stone ceiling becomes glass long enough for Sylvanas to escape, but becomes stone again immediately after.

Blizzard devs are something else.


yeah, I guess that’s easy to say when they constantly prove your headcanons wrong :woman_shrugging:

They didn’t, though.


That’s…umm, you know, it’s stone. Only thing that glass was the ceiling

they never updated the city. it’s still the same model, but Silvermoon is still stuck in TBC so… we accept canon story changes regardless if the game is updated or not. So if they announce in Dragonflight a new revamped UC, and the ceiling is broken does that suddenly change canon for you?

Do you think the Sunwell is still being attacked by the Legion? if you visit Quel’Danas right now it’s filled with Burning Crusade demons from 16 years ago.

You are silly if you believe that just because UC hasn’t been revamped since the start of BFA, that the events of BFA have had no effect on it.



they updated the city specifically for BFA.
It has entirely new walls.
Why would you pick something so dumb to lie about???

Yes. That’s my point. There is no glass. They made it up for the cutscene cause the devs are something else.

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Oh. Okay, I misunderstood what you were going for :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ye, like they could’ve just had her fly out the door
idk what possessed them to do this specifically.

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yeah, they updated for the battle but they never updated it after the battle. They only revamped Brill in 9.2.5 you can see the phasing if look close.

Why didn’t they update the stone roof that doesn’t have glass when they updated the rest of the city?

they didn’t update the rest of the city. the city was updated for The Battle for Azeroth. the battle happened in a trailer and in a pre-patch scenario. The city is still the same city in BFA they have not used a new model, it’s still the same model it was just blighted before.

Everyone is hoping Dragonflight gives us an updated UC but it’s still the same as it was for years.

Just feel like leaving this here, for all the nonsense we had to deal with concerning Sylvanas leading the alliance leaders in to a trap.

Yes, I’m feeling vindictive right now and no I won’t apologize for it. Pretty awesome drawing though

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Even her biggest critics ingame still sing her praises.


after the battle the Alliance player character ~hero of Azeroth~ awaken’s in a med tent in Stormwind Harbor and they talk to Halford who says “I am relieved you survived the battle, Hero . Many others did not.” So it sounds like the Alliance got out of there, just by the seat of thier pants.

All thanks to jaina who reacted on instinct and saved the few in the Throne room.

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