Which Path Did You Take?

Treng is an idiot that’s why. I at least have respect for you, you proven me wrong a few times and I at least admitted it :wolf:


Horde are fighting Horde? Where?

Also, troll much Zerde?!

It does not make good drama to ignore anyone’s pain. Activision just really thinks the Unifaction is like their own Avengers.

Troll? That implies an active participation. I am just eating some popcorn watching things unfold.

it’ll be the Alliance’s turn next. Are you on Team Genn or Team Turalyon?

I proved you wrong last night but here we are.

No, you didn’t. You just think you did

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Maybe, maybe not. Although at this point I expect a few things. If Alleria does go off the deep end something tell me she is getting the same slap on the wrist as Sylvanas.

Personally, even assuming the faction conflict will heat up again(potentially unlikely depending on how far cross factions go), I am hoping Blizzard at least learns that you need a good deal of time and buildup for faction conflicts. Three maybe even 4 or 5 expansion down the line.

you said Genn doesn’t care about anything other than ensuring the horde/forsaken stay out of Gilneas.

Genn cares about revenge for the death of his son, which is the entire reason he went to go kill Sylvanas.

Also, this is rich.


Even when caught red handed, you just keep goin’.

Or maybe Genn will have one of the rarest thing in WoW, he will actually die peacefully of old age.

As for Turaylon we will see if he does or does not go all crusadery and try to drag the Alliance with him.

Still didnt prove me wrong.



what does this even prove, what are doing?

You don’t make an ounce of sense.


That when caught being categorically proven false, Micah would rather double down than admit he’s wrong.

(i’ve been informed micah is a guy. if he isn’t, let me know. i’m not about the misgendering game)

More nonsense from someone who doesn’t understand anything he posts


I admit when I’m wrong. You just haven’t proven anything

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I don’t suppose you read my speculation post about 9.2.5 and the Scarlet Brotherhood Forsahdowing?


I havent. I dont recall seeing the thread on the story forum?

Still not wrong baby