Which Path Did You Take?

Are you okay homie?

You are kinda acting unhinged rn.


Quick funny anecdote you might like. Treng predicted I and others like me would be upset about the whole Lordearon questline being added/using the L symbol for the achievement for what he thought initially as a Forsaken exclusive quest.

I told him his post didnt age well and he deleted said post.


That made me chuckle. Thanks :wolf:


Basically every Forsaken quest that wasn’t in Silverpine or Tirisfal (and a couple of those) were about plague research though. If anything the Forsaken have less quests dealing with the blight/new plague from cata onward.

What other horde leader killed babies by hand?

Dead Eye
Nerzhul(??? maybe???)
probably Gorefiend.

So besides Saurfang, everyone else who did such a thing were part of the old horde and very much dead.

Why wouldn’t they be?
They were specifically folks who drank demon blood from yon olden days.
That’s when Saurfang did it, too.

And the only reason why Saurfang was not killed off like the other villains was that he has changed.

He had lived through the worst of what war and terrible war mongering leaders bring.
The guy had supposedly learned his lesson.

What does he do?
The same exact crap he did before. Thats why he is being called out.

No, he doesn’t. He has an entire history in the War of Thorns of specifically sparing civvies.
He had two quests about it.

He started yet another war on a nation that he wasn’t even officially at war with.
There were so many NE dead that the wisps made like a river towards darkshore.

And then he participated in the Burning by standing shoulder to shoulder with Sylvanas.

The guy is indefensible.
He is a war monger at worst and a moron at best.

His actions yielded no better result than Shattarath or Stormwind. Saurfang is out of excuses.

Saurfang was as much a casualty of BfA as Sylvanas. This dude’s whole shtick was owning up to and overcoming a bloodstained history of failed conquest, and his initial resistance to Sylvanas’ plan in AGW was delightfully in-character. Having him capitulate and personally conduct this sinister zombie’s war of aggression shot out a lot of the sympathy they tried to drum up with him in later content.

Bad enough the rest of the Horde was forced to walk lockstep with this nonsense until the inevitable rebellion patch groaned around, but Saurfang’s tolerance for the WoT should have been nil after all the failed conquerors he’s served and Horde rebellions he’s lived through.


Yep exactly right.

When Sylvanas suggested another war for tHe HoRdE, Saurfang should have been the first to challenge and oppose the measure.

He should have seen the signs from a million miles away.

Alas, the Alliance isn’t held to standard for their actions. They’re brushed under the rug and just like when Varian declared war in WOTLK, but it was Garrosh who did it in Cataclysm, forgotten.

Not really, the problem is how Horde is written, not Alliance.

Alliance only starts wars right after the Horde does something. Even Stormheim happened because dreadlords made it look like that the Horde got varian killed.

They have both factions sign peace treaties just so horde can break them later.


Are you so neck deep in your own bias you don’t even realize one of the fundemental problems with the Horde?

Learn to read

Trent doesn’t understand context or how events lead into other events. He has a such an obsession for stormheim so bad, he will literally ignore all other events in legion.

Wouldn’t waste my breathe on a guy who complains about being gaslight, but than runs to discord to talk ish about me and ren, like I wasn’t going to find out

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No, they didn’t. Anduin tells you before you head out not to attack Sylvanas unless she gives you just cause. This is proof of fact that by the time of Stormheim, the Alliance understood that the Horde had to flee.

Man, for people who try to admonish me, you guys don’t actually read the text when it’s made apparent.

Go level to ten as Alliance. Choose Legion. Meet with Anduin.