Which Path Did You Take?

Garithos? a leader of the Alliance?
insomuch as a sergeant is after everyone above him has died.
Garithos doesn’t fly in this debate.

Sylvanas hasn’t killed any leaders of the Alliance.
She has repeatedly worked against the Horde’s interests, before and after the Jailer.

Hell. Sylvanas didn’t even kill Garithos.

Yes. Garithos does. As if you set the rules by fiat. This is not your Dungeons and Dragons table. This is Warcraft Lore. And Garithos was the head of the Alliance.

He set up prisons in Dalaran. He sentenced Alliance members to death in the name of the Alliance. As well as commanding Dwarven members who were loyal to the Alliance while they side-eyed him. Garithos was in command of the Alliance on the ground in Lordaeron.

Sylvanas had an Alliance leader who claimed Lordaeron killed by her command. Before she joined the Horde. Meanwhile, Saurfang spared the Alliance High King who claimed it.

A leader, and I use the term loosely nobody in the alliance cared for. According to Shaw, the reaction to his death was a shoulder shrug and a He got what he deserved, but got off pretty lightly.

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So Sylvanas wasn’t right enough

Pretty much. NOBODY mourned Garithos or his death, that’s how despicable of a human being he was. :wolf:

Garithos commanded a handful of soldiers.
As a sergeant is wont to do.

You’re comparing Sylvanas not killing Garithos (it was Varimathras), a sergeant of a platoon of troops, to Saurfang sparing Anduin, the king of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance, one killing blow.

You love being wrong.

He was a Grand Marshal.

Per Gamepedia, but also general WC3 Gameplay :

Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos was the leader of remnants of the Kingdom of Lordaeron following its downfall during the Third War, as well as the de facto leader of the Alliance resistance in Lordaeron.

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So he wasn’t a faction leader, he was the subordinate of a faction leader, and he did not have lands which he ruled over, nor civilians to rule over. Just his own troops.
You’re still wrong.
Not big surprise.

Reminder: The survivors of capital city joined Jaina in Theramore.

He specifically was the highest ranking Alliance leader and commanded the soldiers of other Alliance kingdoms. As well as the Alliance territory of Dalaran, which was a separate kingdom from Lordaeron, but still under the Alliance command of Garithos. Where he commanded the imprisonment of the Blood Elves.

You clearly know very little about the lore. You just make statements to be proven wrong. Maybe play WC3 instead of watching videos.

I think Chronicle tacked Ansirem Runeweaver onto the events of TFT Dalaran, I’ll check. At any rate he was the one running the ruins in Vanilla, Alliance tagged, and one of the Sinister Six.

No he wasn’t.
Varian was alive.

Quoting Chronicle 3:

“Though many pockets of Alliance resistance were scattered across Lordaeron, the largest group had gathered in Silverpine Forest. This force was led by a human, Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos. As the highest ranking survivor of Lordaeron’s military, Gartihos was the leader of the army by chance, not because of merit.”

“They seized large swaths of land in Silverpine Forest and slowly worked their way toward the ruins of Dalaran. The broken city was still partially under the control of the Kirin Tor, but the surrounding land was swarming with undead.”

I was wrong about Ansirem getting a shoutout, but I’m pretty sure either he would’ve had to sanction Kael’s imprisonment or else Garithos was a rogue agent.

Garithos was commanding territory in various Alliance kingdoms - Dalaran and Lordaeron. As well as soldiers from other Alliance kingdoms, namely Ironforge and Quelthalas.

Varian was not above Garithos on the chain of command in the Alliance military. Again, you bring up nonsense.

The kingdoms of Ironforge, Quelthalas, and the remnants of Lordaeron saw Garithos as the leader of the Alliance, and committed soldiers. The kingdom of Dalaran was territory Garithos was in charge of. Which makes your repeated falsehoods more hilarious:

He had control of Dalaran- an Alliance kingdom other than Lordaeron. He used it as prisons for the Blood Elves.

I am sure you want to be wrong about more stuff. It seems to be your mission here.

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He surely was. when Terenas died, he was the next in passing for leader of the Alliance.

jesus christ this thread is boring. why are we rehashing all of warcraft?

you both just look like this rn

More unrelated videos from you.

That is your head canon, and the actual lore proves you wrong.

In WC3, the Alliance did not go to Stormwind or Varian for commands, they followed Garithos. He could order the soldiers of other kingdoms, as well as the execution of other members of the Alliance, and the use of Alliance territory in Dalaran.

Dreadmoore is bitter that people don’t see Saurfang as perfect. He seems to think that because Sylvanas is bad, Saurfang is perfect.


I’m tired of people calling Saurfang out for things that other leaders do.

yeah, he seems to have black and white thinking about everything. he also thinks red =evil and blue = good, therefore Horde is evil and Alliance is good. There’s a lot of space between those ears, if you get what I’m saying.

That seems petty. It reminds me of Camp Taurajo.

Some people say Camp Taurajo should never be discussed, because Teldrassil and Theramore happened.

I am glad Blizzard had a Tauren NPC in BfA who was mad about Camp Taurajo. A million dead Night Elves should not erase the pain of those who lost loved ones at Camp Taurajo.

Same as the actions of Sylvanas do not absolve the actions of Saurfang. They both did bad things, and both failed the Horde.

Are you suggesting Sylvanas is not brought up enough? I feel like she is not exactly ignored on the forums.


Because it is fun? Personally, I am just enjoying the utter chaos of this thread as Horde fans go against other Horde fans and Micah goes and verbally bats Treng.