Which Path Did You Take?

It’s the same with Greymane too if you think about it. Those who hate a particular character are more likely to bring them up, even when they aren’t relevant to a particular discussion.

It’s weird and I don’t get why it happens so often :wolf:

well he does randomly yell “Sylvanas!” at the sky.
and makes hilarious panic dog faces when caught in a trap.

I don’t know why but blowing up his ship in Stormhiem and hearing him running around yelling seems way more comical in hindsight in my own head than what happened in canon. I can’t find a Legion video with it.

Genn in Najatar :joy:

He’s a meme.


Even if gatekeeping weren’t a basic social hygiene practiced to some extent by virtually every group (it is) I don’t think it’s false to think a Forsaken fan who’s actually into what the race was about would find free will pretty important.

“We must respect our dead,” Vanilla tells you at level 3. “It is one of the ways in which we differ from the Scourge.”

Sylvanas, personally, has always played fast and loose with that principle.

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Well it’s a good thing she’s not Forsaken anymore eh.

Seems like Battle for Azeroth cleared that all up for ya, no need to worry about it anymore or beat it like a dead horse.

I wouldn’t say much of anything that was done with Sylvanas after TFT was a “good thing” except that painting of her in her Vanilla outfit.

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Where does that fit into this discussion? I’m curious.

Nowhere, I can’t post links

That’s probably for the best.

You can’t use skull or bone emojis either, this forum sucks

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull:



wtf… .how…

It might be based on trust level.


Looks like I am trustworthy.

:scarf: :skull:
:muscle: :shield: :nail_care:
:bone: :bone:
:boot: :boot:

Yeah this forum sucks

Nah, I’m merely stating the facts, y’all the ones being like “waaahhhh why can’t I kill people and raise then from the dead free of consequences!”

It only became centered around the bioweapon in Cata, once it became an active part of the toolkit, which is literally the problem I am discussing lol.

Yes, but at no point was it ever designed to be at the center of the factions’ identity. The Forsaken acting nefarious being confined in their own little corner away from everyone else was fine. It wasn’t until they started being pushed to the forefront that they it became problematic.

Such as it was in, y’know, Cataclysm lol.

I mean….literally the ENTIRE premise of the Orcs’ racial fantasy is self-betterment and trying to steer a new generation of Orcs from that past as much as possible and return to their shamanic traditions. Not attempting to emulate the ways of their abusive past which was a direct result of demonic manipulations lol.


You mentioned her deal with the Jailer and how she was sabotaging the Horde after meeting him.
You did this to ignore and excuse her past history where she was sabotaging the Horde before meeting the Jailer.

For instance: The Icecrown Dungeon.

Case and point with you.
You try to gaslight by saying I pick fights but you’re always just… toxic.

ditto homie.

(it’s called mirroring)

Fixed that for you :wolf:

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This is nonsense. You are inventing motivations. I am stating facts.

Before Sylvanas joined the Jailer or the Horde, she had commanded the death of the leader of the Alliance, and saw it through. Few Horde applicants had that on their resume.

She went in to the Horde with the blood of an Alliance Leader on her hands, before she joined the Jailer or the Horde.

Meanwhile, Saurfang spares the Alliance High King who is assaulting Horde territory.

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