Which Path Did You Take?

Come to think about it, only Ivar Bloodfang makes any mention of wanting to wipe the forsaken out. Everyone else just seemingly wants the forsaken out of lordaeron. :wolf:

(Unless there are others that I’m forgetting that is)


Agreed. People pointing at your use of attacking me to gaslight and say is me attacking you is beyond bizarre.

The only people who have racial fantasies about killing the Forsaken are The Bloodfang pack and The Dcarlet Crusdae and neither of those are player races, they are third party villians.


Yeah. Even Genn is more of Just get out of Gilneas and leave me and my people the hell alone :stuck_out_tongue:


Who is pointing that out?

Where are they? you’ve gotten barely an upvote in days.


Or you know, you could and probably should stop directly responding to people who clearly don’t like you.

Because, you’re still confused with the above statement for some reason

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I’m correcting people who are incorrect.
If you don’t like it, place me on ignore.
Or, you know, don’t be incorrect.


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This is starting a fight.

I understand that you madly love gaslighting but the context betwixt your starting a fight with me over:

And Micah telling lies to defend Genn are vastly different species.

At this point I think you are just fishing for attention.


Lies about what? Do you even know what you’re reading half the time? I chalk this up to low reading comprehension skills. If you think that’s a lie. He built a literal WALL to keep people out.

It all makes sense now, you don’t understand what you’re responding to.


Genn went to Stormheim to kill the Forsaken (and any Horde present) and Sylvanas.
The very first thing the Horde player experiences when entering Stormheim is Genn trying to destroy Horde ships and kill Horde soldiers.

We’re ignoring the part where said group and said leader invaded gilneas, killed Genns son and than blighted the place now?

Events sweetheart, try to keep them in order

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You showed a screenshot of Admiral Rogers telling the Alliance player character that they are there to support the player in their trials of valor as “proof.” Your replies make no sense.

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They aren’t in Gilneas or killing his people.

And speaking of events, especially in Legion the Horde didn’t own Gilneas. You’ve liked many of my posts where I’ve had to lay that out for Smallioz, which is proof to your knowing that fact.

And he was right by the way, that’s the only reason you’re so hung up on Stormheim

Innocent or not, Genn had strict orders not to attack Sylvanas unless he had proof they were doing something wrong. He had no proof, and admits to you that he and Admiral KillHorde are leaving to kill the Horde and Sylvanas irrespective of finding anything.

Anyway, D&D time.