Which Path Did You Take?

she sure did :see_no_evil: :joy:

Reminds me of an old Grandblade rant where he supected the book was just Sylvanas recounting what an amazing lover Nathanos was… and he was right.


What are you confused about now?

Why you are trying to pick an argument with me late on a Sunday. You got nothing better to do than to antagonize?

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Just gonna leave this here, while you cry about others starting arguments. :wolf:

Um ok… you do you…

Oh dear


Pat head It’s okay Smallz

he is Alliance after all :stuck_out_tongue:

Anduin be like…


It was honestly more of this actually.

Poor andiun, stuck there without any way of escaping the old lady’s stories.


poor kid haha, that’s why he’s traumatized. “she told me about how she asked for it rough after her parents died… how can I return to the Alliance after that?”


He’s a little less than my age. Poor guy.


Ye. The book doesn’t read objectively, and has weird metaplays where everything more or less revolves around Anduin, at least whence Sylvanas is speaking about Lirath. Golden really wanted to link Anduin and Sylvanas together and that was one of the dumbest ways to do it. She does it a lot, using dead family members so that former faction leaders will think well of the little lion/boy king.

Ashenvale, Theramore, Stromgarde, the list goes on and on. Saying in"most cases" don’t help your case when nearly every major conflict can be attributed to the Horde. If anything it is the Alliance that are not the aggressors in “most cases”.

You mean the one where the devs had every intention of leaving it at the part where we didn’t get to back talk Vol’jin until I and others had to mention our displeasure about it? In fact, I recall Kosak having replied to one of my tweets about it.

Whoops, didn’t see this.


Pat head

Treng this is getting really weird. maybe you should just stop.

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Yeah, you’re supposed to be playing the Forsaken not the Scourge.

What part about the idea of killing and raising more people from the dead en masse shouldn’t be perceived as evil from their perspective?

Cuz a racial fantasy that actively demands and requires the expenditure of other races, frankly, does not deserve exist in WoW.

Either the Forsaken emulate the scourge a literal villain faction which was the antagonist for an entire expansion plot and served the greatest enemy of the Forsaken or they and their playerbase doesn’t deserve to exist in WoW

What is nuance?


Which has been a racial fantasy for the forsaken…well literally since their inception, but now for some reason y’all have a problem with it?

Them raising new undead doesn’t have to come at the expense of any other players. And it didn’t until BfA.

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people always be dying. It’s not breaking anyone’s racial fantasy.

unless your racial fantasy is killing Forsaken :confused: