Which Path Did You Take?

Most alliance players never play horde and don’t know their lore like the rest of us do. I did forget to mention Garrosh literally loosing his ish over Sylvanas raising the dead in Hillsbrad. So thanks for mentioning that.

He even asks her straight up What makes you better than the Lich King? to which she causally responds with Simple, I work for the horde or something along those lines.

I don’t think people grasp the concept of a empty threat. Vol’jin was just reminding the alliance that sieging Orgrimaar alone is suicidal and a waste of resources. :wolf:

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The only acceptable people for her to raise were the corpses of her enemies, because there was no one to say no, that’s why she made the plan in Before the Storm, because she straight up says she’s going to raise the fallen humans as Forsaken. There’s no grey lore area there. She takes what she kills.

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Which is why the nobles on Fenris Isle were more willing to accept the Worgen Curse over being raised into undeath. They rather be rampaging wolf men than be forced into the forsaken ranks and used as disposable troops.


Even Varimathras baxks this up by telling the Alliance in Legion “better you die here, than where she can claim you.”

His whole speech and the implication Sylvanas was patiently planning the downfall of the Alliance waa wickedly satisfying. That’s why nothing she did in BFA made me clutch my pearls.

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Might be me, I just find it amusing when….certain posters come in to horde lore discussions and just…get everything completly wrong.

And I wasn’t really shocked by what she did in BfA either. It’s been her thing since Vanilla, to do what’s necessary to come out on top. People have to either be blind or not paying to fail understand that. :wolf:

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To be fair they all outright admitted they use Amadis as a crutch to know even Alliance lore :laughing:

That must be an ego boost for our NE friend…

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Well….that certainly explains the rampant head cannon and roleplaying going on with certain alliance posters when Amadis isn’t around :stuck_out_tongue: :wolf:


It’s flattery that Sylvanas saw the NE’s as her greatest immediate threat, her and Tyrande are well matched.

I really liked the Night Warrior arc.

I liked how it ended on a promise to fight again both at full strength. I like it. Bring it Tyrande.

The NW arc had potential to be good. I just felt that blizz could have done way more with it is all.

On a side, I been having a urge to play a fluffy femboy Panda Hunter lately. Y’all can sue me :stuck_out_tongue:

When you got an expert why try and embarrass yourself?

Amadiss has this down to a science.

You do have a doctorate in the field of Embarrassing Yourself. :wolf:

I’m glad you accept you need help sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a small victory at least. Take a win where you can get them is what I always say :wolf:

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There was a Youtuber that went by Trade Chat that was a big Horde and Sylvanas fan that was extremely excited about the release of “Warbringers: Sylvanas” and honestly did not expect Sylvanas to do it and was very dismayed and couldn’t believe what she was watching when it did come out.


I used to love her channel. Whatever happened to her? I haven’t seen her post anything on YouTube in a really long time

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Its really not.

Its focused on her life, her telling Anduin about her life, and the interludes where he reacts. Now for all its joked about, I highly doubt that she told Anduin about her sex life. It really doesnt fit her “reality is unfair so aid us” narrative that shes spinning to him.

Its same principle in Rise of the Horde, where Thrall is writing a book about it, but it includes scenes that no one would have been able to inform Thrall about it. Like Sargeras meeting the Eredar or the Shadow Council meetings.


A lot of horrible people on the internet happened.

Aww. She was so fun to watch. One of the few WoW players and YouTubers I genuinely liked. It saddens me to hear people drove her away :sob:

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Everyone needs help. Its never a shame to ask or receive it.

Oh brother… :roll_eyes:

That certainly puts a different spin on Sylvanas’ “no more secrets.”