Which one of you all thinks I'm in a premade? Please introduce yourself :D

No idea where it is but it has been posted before.

Lets not pretend you guys are “just queueing together” please.

I’m not the one pretending.

Ya ok lol I’m not going to do this with you yet again.

That’s because you start getting overly emotional and end up looking foolish.

Also, something I found while looking for the above blue post:

A thread in the SoD forum about their thinking of premades in SoD…

The twitter posts are very interesting.

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sure, whatever you need to say bud.

2007, wow. Long time ago. I kinda knew it internally, like this issue was present back then, at some point of course they addressed it, but I could not remember.

Given the nature of the question and the answer, I think this is pretty clear. Blizz is okay with people getting into a group and stomping. I do not think they see q syncers as a problem worth the effort to fix. It is the reason I have adjusted my play. Do I like premades? No. Well, I like fighting them. It sucks when they are on my side. But I do not think Blizz will do anything about them at this point, as they have not for a very, very long time.

Now, companies and times do change, so who knows. If it gets really really bad, Blizz will be forced to act. I’d imagie there would be hammers hammered down and I’d chuckle a bit about that. But, I solo Q and I still have much fun on both Horde and Allinace in epic BGs and I don’t think Blizz will do much about 'em.

And as his Blue tracker shows they’ve felt this way a long, long time.

Hey me too!


Arcmvp you meanie. I went to play on the Horde on little Trakzlibble to fight the good fight in Southshore vs Tauren Mill as the Horde are having a hard time today there and in one of the recent ones you rolled us. Your damage was waaaay above others. I think we ended up with 10 kills total. Meanie.

I’m joking. Bring it all to the table. I’m gonna melt your face and all your friend’s faces too! MWHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA


The guy who posted this is a marketing professional (yes I checked lol), I’m significantly more qualified to define the term exploit than he was if people can’t just look up a word on their own. But like I said, ‘Blizzard allowing it does not change what it is.’

The real curious thing here is why they don’t just allow people to queue in a raid group to completely rid themselves of decades of weekly complaint threads, if they’re fine with syncing. Blizzard famously underpays their employees, the man hours to roll out that change is probably less expensive than housing the complaints indefinitely at this point. Lol

Doesn’t matter, you aren’t a Blizzard employee. You can have any definition you want.

That’s kind of the point. Lol

Blizzard isn’t going to use your definition instead, just because you say so.

They have a definition that they are working from.

Whatever you claim to be the definition that you are working from, if it doesn’t match theirs, they’ll just ignore you.

Just like they have been doing for 20 odd years.

I mean, I could claim that using chat is an exploit, because using it correctly provides an unfair advantage. Does that mean that Blizzard will ban anyone for using chat?

No where in the history of my posting have I ever suggested that Blizzard is going to take my advice.

What I’m telling you, is that the person who posted that response isn’t a tech professional, he’s a marketing manager. It was a courtesy I was extending to you to better inform you about where your information is coming from. I don’t need Blizzard’s (or your) permission to know what I’m talking about, you’re free to be wrong if that’s what pleases you. Lol

At least we’ve confirmed you have no idea what an exploit is.

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What I’m telling you is that their position or background or career doesn’t matter. They are acting as a Blizzard spokesperson, they may get their information from their tech department, but the tech department doesn’t directly interact with us.

Yes, I know, you have a definition of exploit which does not match the definition which Blizzard clearly uses. You can wish as hard as you can, but it doesn’t make it likely that Blizzard will change theirs, just because you want them to.

I was trying to show that having your own definition doesn’t change the definition that Blizzard uses.

But sure, be obtuse, if that’s what pleases you.

Like I said, I was just pointing something out for clarity. I literally do not care what you do, when you do it, or how you get there–wish you the best.

I don’t have my own definition, I have the globally accepted definition. lol When Blizzard can contact Doc Brown, gun it to 88, and go back and establish themselves as the unquestioned authority on the definition of words, and technology before 2024 then we can have a conversation centered around me agreeing with you based on Blizzard’s opinion. Until then if they call a Chicken a Cow at Blizzard HQ, that’s fine with me, but it doesn’t make it so.

I’m not trying to be. If I wanted to be obtuse I would point out that the guy said ‘using comms to enter queue at the same time’ didn’t define things well enough for there to be a definitive answer on the topic, but I’m fine with interpreting the meaning of what he was getting at, as it’s probably fairly obvious.

really reaching here

I would be reaching if the word didn’t have ‘finding flaws in software to gain advantage’ in the definition. Genuinely, if there’s some grassroots movement you want to start to get the general definition of the word changed to include (if the company doesn’t care to punish it, it isn’t considered an exploit) I’ll stand front and center of this entire forum and say ‘it’s not an exploit.’ But as it currently reads, people finding a work-around to increase their WL in EBGs does seem to match the definition.

I can’t be anymore fair with the topic than that.

Blizzard is the unquestionable authority on how they administer the game that Blizzard provides.

They have a definition of the word ‘exploit’, which they use.

That it does not align with your definition, wherever the version you have comes from, is of absolutely no importance.

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It’s apparently of grave importance, because I told you 30 minutes ago I don’t care what you want to choose as your accepted definition of something, so I kind of thought you and I have nothing left to discuss.

You’re welcome to live in your own fantasy land.

But don’t insist that Blizzard lives there with you.

I only care what Blizzard accepts as their definition, since they are the authority.