Which one of you all thinks I'm in a premade? Please introduce yourself :D

You may have seen me around.

I like to solo queue and merc a lot.

Being grouped with common names is bound to happen, that does not mean I’m in a premade with them.

You can ask whoever and all of them if you’d like.

It’s not a good look though, and it isn’t quite encouraging.

Thanks, bye.


Trying to jump ship before the bans huh?

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As I’ve said, it’s just me :slight_smile:

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If you got nothing to hide you wouldn’t feel the need to make a post like this. But it’s whatever lol

Not true. My motivation is to let the hate whispers know they are wrong. I’m allowed to attempt to correct them :slight_smile:

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Nobody that is hate whispering you in game is going to care about a forums post bud. Good luck I suppose though.

Which one of you flatfoots stole my lollipop

Oh, I guess it was worth a shot. Thanks!

Details? Names?

I’m guessing they’re random pugs that notice your dmg numbers and automatically assume you’re in a premade… but if it’s people from the forums that would be good entertainment value :popcorn:

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can confurm seen u n a cupple uthers called as exploitrs in ebgs

Do they post in this forum?

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I don’t know. It’s not their fault though. I’m familiar with how “passionate” players can be about what they believe in.

edit: Wayzer wasn’t hating on me being in a premade he just wanted me to stop playing :stuck_out_tongue:

h ttps://imgur.com/a/its-ok-gIUlLMS

You know that doesn’t prove anything because of the addon and communities that say when their queue popped in game or in disc right

Sure, I’m not going to convince people of something they don’t want to believe. I’ve also made it a point that all the premaders here can tell you themselves that I know none of them. But again, it’s not for me to decide what you believe.

isnt Arc a premade group?

No idea who you are, but the existence of this thread has me assuming you’re probably in a premade.


Thank you for introducing yourself. Nice to meet you!

Hi. My name is Snowcrest, and I’ve never heard of you. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow!


He is his own premade (Seriously, the guy pumps). I premade all the time and I can confidently assert, Arc plays solo (several communities have tried to talk him into joining).

Don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a “pocket healer” either but I’m sure some healers follow him around at times (like I said, he pumps). I’d hate whisper him too but I don’t wanna be on his radar…


I fought him in an epic today and found out his Strat near instantly… All he does is try to kite people, Ignore him and CC him when he gets close and its gg