Endgame PvE Experience - WoW
Story - FF14
Wildstar had really cool housing
- Lvl was vanilla wow
2.Ilvl or progression was vanilla wow(So, far I like SL progression but have to see patch 9.1). - Open WPvP wow
- Bg/arena current wow
- Professions Vanilla wow
- Dungeons mix vanilla wow and current
Favorite is BRD and I like m+ type as well. - Raids wow current
- Crazy quest at end game vanilla wow. Where you had to figure out things, places were a mystery.
- Open world vanilla and SL(maw) reason it had easy to more difficult areas in the world the world feels connected.
Unknown (meaning nothing really caught my attention)
Housing unknown
Market unknown
Government unknown
Ever changing world unknown
Smart npc unknown
Experience Star Wars galaxy,ESO, EQ, WoW, Star Wars Old Republic, guild wars2, and a few others I cannot think of at the moment.
Story - SWTOR. Seriously, Jedi Knight story throughout the class campaign + expansions was basically my KOTOR 3.
PvP - GW2, literally all I did when I played it.
Player Economy - Same thing, Runescape, as a child I started learning the inner workings of a free market, shame I lost those skills when I dropped the game, though.
End Game - World of Warcraft. It’s hard to beat Raids, they are always interesting even if not fun sometimes.
Questing - ESO. They usually had much more interesting questlines compared to WoW’s collect 20 bear poop.(OBS - Runescape get an honorable mention, I still remember 9 year old me crying on that quest in the Kharidian Desert where all you are attempting to solve a murder and every person you interact to gets murdered while you talk to them, one of those characters is happily dancing, as you ask her to come inside with you the gate closes separating both of you and you are just helpless there watching her getting murdered by the Ripper.)
Combat - Hard to say, I kinda like both action and tab targeting for different reasons.
Story/crafting - ESO
PvP - DAoC (berserkers rule!)
World - Asherons Call (massive world, Thistledown players actually forcing devs to end an event because they couldnt defeat us is the most memorable MMO moment i will ever have)
Interface - WoW
Dark Age of Camelot had the best class identity hands down. 3 different factions, each with several classes that don’t exist in the other factions. They may be similar roles, but every class was unique. Bonedancer was awesome. Have your own tank, healer and debuffer as pets.
For me,
I’ve played a few, but only devoted a lot of time to WoW and ESO. I dabbled in GW2 and Warhammer Online (that lasted like…what a few months?), Wildstar, and the Star Wars one, Dungeons & Dragons Online, and EverQuest 2. But again, only really got invested in WoW and ESO.
WoW for me wins on:
End game PVE
Classes & Combat
Character Progression
Visuals - this is a personal choice, ESO is beautiful and other games are more attractive than WoW, but I just enjoy this aesthetic.
Race options. I just get bored of the Elder Scrolls ones where all but Khajiit and Argonians are human-looking.
ESO for me wins on:
Story/Lore and Questing. I almost view ESO questing with the same relaxing comfort as curling up with a good book.
Crafting - ESO Crafting is top notch. And I LOVE that a lot of BiS gear is crafted.
But because the most fun I get from an MMO is progressingmy character and trying out combat/builds/mechanics, WoW wins this for me.
Though I wish WoW would add player housing, and really revamp their crafting. I don’t think we’ll ever get fully voice acted quests, its just too late for that.
I’m kinda hoping WOW2 isn’t too far in the future tbh.
SWTOR, no contest. It’s about the only thing that game has ever had.
Black Desert Online, no contest.
Before WoD, WoW. After WoD, FFXIV.
Can’t say, but WoW’s has been a total clown show since MoP ended.
No argument here.
Modern WoW fails every category, but I can’t really think of any modern MMO deserving of this honor.
Questing - Elder Scrolls Online.
ESO have Fully voiced questslines and engaging quests. Not saying WoW does’t have Good questing ( Atm at retail, not so much, we have “good” “story-telling”, but questing to compose our character around the world itself, nope.)
Overall gameplay - WoW ( not so much right now, it had its better days)
Tera online - best combat
GW2 - best class design
WoW - best raid, dungeons.
ESO - best story, questing.
FF14 - best for weebs.
I really miss Asheron’s Call. The world was amazing, the classless system was interesting, and the magic system (plus slide casting) was unique and fun. Easily one of the most underrated MMOs ever.
The Two MMOs I’ve heard the most good things about that I never tried are SWTOR and CoH. For Story and fun, respectively.
Blade & Soul did combat best. TERA is a good runner up.
It’s not really an MMORPG, but Vindictus is still an awesome game overall, if you ignore their cash shop shenanigans that plagued it for years.
Ultima Online did pvp and full loot best until pub 16…such an amazing game.
Best game I’ve ever played BY FAR and nothing even comes close. Tbh Kinda ruined mmorpg’s for me because nothing else can compare.
I seriously enjoyed the first 6ish months of SWG too. Another game ruined by updates taking it in a bad direction.
Wildstar did housing best
SWTOR did story best (at least a few of the class stories and expac) though I hear FFXIV has a good story in the expacs but early on I find it so boring and i stop playing
As far as gameplay goes I’d say WoW does it best with their unique classes. Also healing: mouseover macros put wow a notch above other mmos with their manual targeting that I’ve found annoying to work with
EQ2 was the best end game raids IMO… and their housing was great. but WoW owns about everything else… again, for me
Wow has done the best at taking my money. Been playing since the start and still here.
Just traveling from location to location was epic. I had a printed map of the portal network. It is a shame Microsoft abandoned it and let the cheaters run rampant.
Gameplay- Used to be WoW - now GW
Classes - Used to be WoW but now FFXIV
Endgame- I think WoW had lost this spot too.
Guild Wars -> Best PvP
Mortal Online -> Best engagement and immersion (crafting blablabla, although it could’ve used major adjustments to become less “grindy” considering the open loot PvP system)
Star Wars Old Republic -> Best writing
Age of Conan -> Best combat system for an MMO
Ultima Online -> Best freedom of choice (closer to a table top RPG), with the caveat of players being able to build stuff in the game world.
Tibia -> Best introductory MMO for youngsters
WoW -> First highly hyped MMO in history, jack of all trades, best of none. Got downgraded over the years.
Warhammer online- had really great world pvp. Guilds could capture and hold forts that were actually in the game world not instanced.
FF14- one of the best game stories and easily the best MMO story, it really rewards you for paying attention and playing long term.
Wildstar-had really fun combat and awesome player housing.