Which MMOs did what best?

Dark Age of Camelot did PvP the best imo. The only game that even came close was Archeage, but it’s too p2w to give it any credit.

As far as PvE? WoW I guess… SWTOR and GW2 get honorable mentions as well.


If this is the criteria… then I’ll go with Ultima Online. I could mine the HELL out some mountains… edit: wearing only a loincloth

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100% agree. WoW was a letdown after some of those epic battles for Darkness Falls and out in the frontier (pre-relics, I dont know why ,but something changed after relics).

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  • Best Raiding: WoW
  • Best Story: FF14 or SWTOR
  • Best Quests: ESO or FF14
  • Best Quest Presentation: ESO, FF14, or SWTOR
  • Best New Player Experience: FF14 (Systems are explained well, and penalties for being mean to new players are severe)
  • Best Player Races: WoW (Worgen) and FF14 (Hrothgar)
  • Best World Visual Design: FF14 or WoW
  • Best Music: FF14
  • Most Newsworthy Player-Driven Events: EVE Online or WoW Classic/Vanilla
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All I gotta say is WildStar had the best player races

We actually had a bit of variety in design and not everything was just human

I mean, after Taris was destroyed in KotoR, and then all of the efforts to restore it in KotoR 2, and then when you get there in SWTOR, and see the Endar Spire just laying there in the distance…

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Right? When you go into the Ender Spire and that battle music from Kotor starts playing…

And you also get to know the fate of the Outcasts…

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I will say SWtOR did leveling the best. Well at least in Vanilla from level 1-50. They had unique class stories and you felt more immersed overall being able to choose how you respond and can start relationships etc. Due to how much it would cost to keep that up they had to stop after Vanilla and the expansions had no more unique class story and also screwed up the whole companion system etc. But at least you can still pick your responses leveling and through quests.

But was by far the best leveling experience in any mmo I played (I played pretty much all the mainstream ones along with EQ and SWG before WoW came out).

Open world pvp - Archeage
Class design - Archeage
Combat - Gw2/Tera (wow strong 3rd)
Dungeons - Tera/WoW
Raids - WoW
Lore - WoW
Animations - Gw2
Map design - WoW/Gw2
Art Design - Gw2/WoW
Mounts - Gw2 by a mile
Playable races - WoW/Gw2
Sense of scale - EvE
Player driven experience - EvE

I will give credit to archage they did do some stuff pretty cool

I’ll defs pay that one

I would not touch archeage with a 10ft pole, game is p2w and the prime time was when it was first released as it took a few months for the whales to show.

My last major fight was on the main trade island when a few small guilds worked together to do a trade pack run. The main guild on the opposite faction was a huge p2w guild, leader was dumping close to 2k+ a month, so they had the best gear and ships. This is basically the outcome of the fight from that, maybe around 200 people total for the fight

Video is unedited and is almost a hour long

Ragnarok Online - final answer.

!!! damn, forgot about Warhammer Online, it was one of my favorite banding up MMOs ever. Ah, well, fond memories over some stuff there, but I still got way more impressed by the other ones on the list. I think one of the things that makes me forget about it is the fact that the MMO died so freaking fast.

Suspicious, have you ever played Guild Wars (the First)?

Even as a Sith the story was freaking epic.

There’s something about Asian MMO Game Design that simply ruins all their games, even Ragnarok Online. I’ve played it, and it was bad. Nice and fun PvE, but the PvP was just awful


Now, changing subject a bit, the two MMOs that I hated the most in my life were Black Desert Online and Perfect World, my god they were just digital garbage.

I credit that to the Story itself, if WoW had as much depth with their classes (came closer with class halls) and actively changed the factions over the years (switching races, they could even split the entire Horde + Alliance into multiple minor factions), than WoW could’ve competed.

aion: professions - world pvp
FF:ARR: story - community - cutscenes - player convenience systems - theres a lot more
wildstar: player housing
GW2: also world pvp - city design - class design
BDO: class visuals
Tera: World design

Well, it was the first mmo that was fully interactive where you can pick all your responses too. I don’t remember any other MMO that did that for everything and not just a couple of times. Plus it being Star Wars was awesome. But they even said it was extremely expensive to do which is why they stopped at least with the unique class stories but at least kept the talking options.

they’ve paid the price for not being as over-hyped as WoW was. Committed some serious mistakes that drove the core player-base away too (I’ve left, TWICE).
Much of the issues there were pertaining bad Game Design choices, while they still have the best writing over any MMO ever made, and I believe it’ll remain like that for at least another decade or two until someone realizes the potential of good stories for MMO games.

PS: WoW cannot ever take that because the entirety of their MMO would need to be rebooted (the Lore I mean) for it to even have a chance of getting good writing. WoW has some of the most immature stories among Video Games meant for adults.

PvP=Warhammer Online

Unit collision was possibly the greatest idea/implemented feature ever for a PvP MMO. Letting the Tank classes actually tank and be a real front line that could hold choke points was amazing. Too bad the game was a buggy mess and didn’t have a bit more time to get stuff worked out before release.

I still think with more support that game could of been the WoW killer but it failed before it ever had a chance to get off the ground (like so many WoW killers). Messing around on private servers and you can see the bones that are there are better than any kind of PvP WoW has ever had…especially with the current sad state of SL PvP.

Ultima Online

  1. No levels. Skills 0-100. Mix and match any combo up to 700 points.
  2. Any armor or weapon type on any character(based on skill proficiency in #1)
  3. Your gear can be looted or stolen by anyone. Made thief skills awesome and death impactful.
  4. Housing. Huge variety of shapes and sizes. Also boats.
  5. Titles based on 2 axis of deeds. Both good and bad deeds changed your title. Huge variety of interesting choices.

Asheron’s Call used to do great Dev controlled events where you could either defend or attack the massively overpowered character they controlled. Usually a gigantic lag fest and portal storms abounded (remember those?), but fun as heck.

The last one they did before they went maintenance mode was an invasion by overpowered mobs that decimated everyone where they attacked while everyone rushed to get in on it. What village or town was attacked would go completely dark except for a small area where you were standing, and they would come out of the dark and scare the bejebus out of you. Fun as heck. Finally squads of high level characters 200+ would show up and repel the invasion.

WoW best endgame.
ESO best story/world content
GW2/WoW for gameplay (can’t quite decide.)
RuneScape for crafting.
Dark Souls for PvP. (I know it is not an MMO. Let me be silly.)

Why RuneScape for crafting? Because literally the only thing I do in that game is craft and sell things. I actually haven’t played it in years though. lol