Dark age of Camelot: pvp (rvr). Still the best to this date. I love zerging but even full group (8man) was fun, a small reason when I que for epic bgs, I hoping to get close that what DAoC had.
FF14: The story and npcs. I care about them. It draws me in, I care for them.
WoW: Endgame though at this point most mmos almost do it better but also WoW still have that old mmo feeling that I like too.
Rift online: Dimensions (housing) If you had the talent you could create some great stuff in it in it.
Ether Sage: A odd one but I enjoyed it pet system it had.
Look up City of Heroes: Homecoming
Asheron’s Call did world immersion and size better than anyone. You really felt like you were smack dab in the middle of a world-sized world.
I was just talking with a buddy last night in disc about coh cuz we used to play way back when lol. There was a pserver recently for it and it just wasn’t the same. I do agree tho, the character creation was pretty good for its time.
I played it when it was F2P for this alone. I want that housing in WoW so badly.
Outside of that:
-I give PvP to GW2 since that’s really the only thing it has going for it very well at end game. For me, they botched PvE end game.
-WoW hands down gets raiding and dungeons.
-I haven’t played, but FF14 apparently has an amazing story. And given how trash I think WoW’s is, I’m willing to believe it.
-Class uniqueness goes to GW2, I’m biased as I love mesmers. But I may be in the minority in saying I prefer WoW’s class play style over FF14, so I give it to WoW
-Races 100% go to GW2. And FF14 gets a massive downvote for their race design, I sincerely dislike them and a very large part in why I will never play the game. WoW is a nice medium.
-Extra activities depends on longevity. I like GW2’s vistas and exploration incentives, but I actually like WoW’s Covenant Sanctums and the sheer amount you can collect. No experience with FF14 here.
The MMO winner for me is still WoW, but it’s missing stuff that I feel would dramatically improve it. A combination of WoW end game, the creativity of GW2 races, the storytelling of FF14, and the housing from Wildstar would be my personal ideal MMO.
The Sylvari have to be my favorite iteration of ‘elves’ in media. FFXIV cute girls cosplaying monsters is such a turn off.
Maybe we’ll get a better version of the Botani at some point…maybe they’ll connect with the Emerald Dream and evolve a bit and look like a playable race.
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Narrative / Story - ESO, SWTOR
Guild Systems - GW2, FF14
PVP - WoW, can I count Destiny 2?
Housing - ESO, Wildstar, FF14, SWTOR
Graphics - Black Desert probably.
World Content - GW2, ESO, BD.
Raids - WoW and FF14
I’m a fan of how GW2 at least has some methods to keep older zones relevant, with scaling and events.
I had a Charr Mesmer. It was so anti-Charr and I loved him. The Sylvari were incredible, too, though lost points for me during the era of Trahearne because my goodness was he a terrible character.
The only thing I didn’t like in GW2 was human and big human. Would’ve loved if the Norn got to actually be more animal like people instead of just…big human.
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Eve Online gets my pick for “most compelling game news.”
Swtor has the best leveling experience, hands down, with a fully voiced story for every spec (vanilla story)
Osrs has the best questing. The vast majority of quests are unique, have you doing different things, and importantly teach the players how things operate.
Wow is the best end game, with raids, m+, and a large roster to cater to any playstyle, you can pretty much anyone can find a class they like. Wow also has the benefit of having past expansions of content to experience and collect old loot as an alternative endgame for those who like that. Id say wow has the best pvp, but its also the only mmo pvp I’ve played, so its also technically the worst I’ve played.
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Wildstar did housing right. Especially with the extra woodworking profession for making furniture and stuff.
Anyone not saying UO as the best pvp mmo is wrong.
Man i’m old.
FFXIV - Visuals and character customization are smexy especially with cosmetics. They’re about on the same page like WoW, but a bit better in some areas.
ESO - The customization of your class is pretty awesome and alt friendly. I like their crafting system designing what’s suitiable for your class spec’s performance. Cosmetics are awesome as well.
GW2 - very complex and interesting. Customizing your class that fits your style whether meta or not and still to this day is casually fun. Used to play Charr a lot now play more of Asura.
They took some concepts from WoW and later on WoW took some concepts from them. WoW just needs a bit more work on their transmog limitations and costumes cosmetics becoming a bit lewd like FFXIV and a bit more alt friendly. However other than that WoW is still cool to play, but they truly need to up their game a bit more.
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Atmosphere/Story: The Secret World
Combat: Tera
Economy/Crafting: Eve
PvE: WoW
Housing: Archeage(open world)/ESO(instanced)
Armor design: Tera
Character design: BDO
Graphics: BDO
I hear people saying that, but my memory of it was…bleh. It seemed very ordinary to me. I dunno, maybe they improved it after I left but I don’t get the enthusiasm. I think ESO delivers a much more polished and varied housing system. You have a large number of different styles of housing in a lot of different locations across the game, to which you can get to instantly as a method of swift game travel. And every profession makes something for it. Wildstar seemed very flat and limited to me.
Ultima Online: best player housing ever.
Lineage 2, it was a garbage game, but the fun part was trash talking to your enemies, but those days are gone, games are now made for snowflakes.
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I had more fun healing in PvP in Warhammer Online than in any other MMO. Their PvE was incredibly limited, but as a healer in PvP you mattered and made a huge difference to your team’s success. Also, a Gobbo Shaman could hide in bushes and actually not be seen, which was super fun.
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